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Prep Note on “How a values-based approach advances DEI: Inclusion in the organization can

increase employee satisfaction” by Beach & Segars and Inclusion Revolution by Daisy Auger
By: Desiree La Noire

1. The importance of being an ally- As Domínguez shared about her experience as a
junior credit analyst, an important theme arose from her talk. She mentioned that being
an ally and persisting through discomfort is key to making meaningful changes in
diversity and inclusion in the workplace (Domínguez, 2020, 11:45). This was insightful as
diversity and inclusion can sometimes be seen as taboo topics but it is crucial to keep
talking about it in order to bring change.

2. Lack of strategies and goals can deter DEI from advancing. It was very interesting to
read on the how the lack of strategies and goal can deter DEI (diversity, equity, and
inclusion) from advancing in organization. As the authors explain in the article, Many
business leaders recognize the importance of DEI in revitalizing their organizations, but
they often struggle to achieve meaningful results due to unclear objectives and a lack of
effective strategies (Beach & Segars, 2022).

3. Awareness needs action- This may be common sense to some. However, for many
organizations including some I have worked for DEI awareness often means
unactionable items such as taco day in honor of cinco de mayo, these actions often
come with a lack of meaningful action. As Domínguez says, Awareness without action is
insufficient; it is essential to take action to create lasting and meaningful change in
organizations (Domínguez, 2020).

Impactful Quotes
1. “To adopt in order to survive an identity that meant no trace of an accent to be heard or
that my appearance there could be no sense of too much ethnicity or over sexualizing”.
(Domíguez, 2020, 1:50). I like this quote because I have experienced this first hand.
Having waited until the last minute to find my internship, I often felt unprepared and less
qualified than my peers. It wasn’t until the 4th offer I received that I realized the first offer
isn’t always the best for you, which is exactly what Twillie mentions in the podcast.
2. “Awareness without action means nothing” (Domíguez, 2020, 9:58). This quote
completely shocked me. I was never oblivious to the exisiting gender wage gap, but had
never thought about how much more we as women have to work just because of our
gender. In a society and time where women can do the same as men, I hope this issue
only continues to get better.
3. “The organization complies with the law by hiring people of differing identities and
holding a "diversity day" to publicize them, without changing how it operates.” (Beach &
Segars, 2022). This idea has been highlighted through the experience of many
immigrants working in the north american workplace, including myself. Typically, DEI is
transactional for organizations as they gain more from a diversity hire than a diversity
hire gains from them.
1. How can organizations ensure that their diversity and inclusion efforts go beyond
surface-level representation and create a more inclusive workplace?
Through VPM, The Values/Principles Model (VPM) emphasizes the importance of
values like participation and application in addition to representation. It will ensure
deeper inclusivity by fostering participation that goes beyond mere representation.
2. How can leaders encourage willful interrogation and open discussions about race,
diversity, and inclusion within their organizations?
Leaders can create safe spaces for open and honest discussions about these topics,
where employees can share their experiences and perspectives. Active listening is
crucial for organizations to learn more about people’s experiences with DEI.


Beach, A. A., & Segars, A. H. (2022). How a Values-Based Approach Advances

DEI.MIT Sloan Management Review, 63(4), 25-32.

Domínguez, D. (2020, October, 1). Inclusion Revolution [Video]. Youtube.

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