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Name: Kerithya Lovellin Nauli Sihombing

NIM : 11000123140809

Class : F

1. Making 5 sentences using a, b ,d types in page 26

- I’m watching a movie at the moment. (Type a)

- Something smells good. What are you cooking? (Type a)

- Sam and Joe are drinking coffee and chatting at a cafe. Sam said: I’m reading an interesting spy
novel. (Type b)

- It’s getting darker earlier each evening. (Type d)

- My hair is finally growing up. (Type d)

2. Making 5 negative or interrogative sentences

- The lecturer isn’t explaining the lesson to the class.

- I’m currently not writing an essay.

- Are we cooking dinner for tonight?

- Am i speaking too fast for you to understand?

- Is she listening to music on her headphones?

3. Making question with chosen answers

- What book are you looking for? English Book

- What are you reading now? An article

- What kind of song is Erin listening to? Western song

- What fruit are you buying at the market? Some apples

- What are you driving to school? A motorcycle

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