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Candyce Heath

ITEC 7460

PLN Reflection Part II

This semester I had the pleasure of engaging in various forms of Professional Learning
Networks where I was able to collaborate with teachers throughout the district as well as the
state. Initially my intentions were to utilize Twitter and connect with users via ISTE connect,
however, it was much easier said than done. I was able to use Twitter to share information about
how I integrated technology in my classroom to increase student engagement or to accommodate
my ELs.
I work within a PLN in my district known as Vanguard which is a group of educators
within the district that mentor, coach, and collaborate with other teachers within the district as
we focus on personalized learning and integrating technology. We meet virtually throughout the
year and have monthly Twitter chats in which we share ideas centered around topics such as
instructional strategies, Web 2.0 tools, best practices, etc. We also attend conferences that are
either put on through Vanguard on district Professional Development days as well as the Georgia
Educational Technology Conference and the ISTE Conference.
This semester I led professional development with staff members at my school about
utilizing Microsoft Translate to communicate with ELs as well as show them how it’s embedded
within all of the Microsoft programs which can come in handy when translating documents for
students and parents. I’ve also led a professional development session on the website Canva
which allows teachers to create content for their classrooms including videos, presentations,
posters, etc.
Overall, I would like to become even more active in the online PLNs and further expand
my network. I think it was just a matter of being preoccupied with other things, that I didn’t have
as much time as I thought I would.
Artifacts Part III

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