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Hi Aaron,
This is rather a lot to talk about through text but I will give it a shot. Where to begin is the hard
part. I know you have two women that you have your eye on. Girl #1 I would say she looks like she has
a mischievous side to her. Not that that's bad but can be a lot of fun. But there seems to me a certain
hardness in her.

Girl #2 Has a genuine smile and a certain softness to her. Just something I noticed but look at
the two pictures you sent me and tell me what you see? My wife and I had a very fast life style when
we first started dating. Use your imagination he he. We got invited to all kinds of parties and lived life
in the fast lane.

I use to look at the family of the person I was dating and got a good idea on how the person I
was dating would be in the future. For some odd reason women like to fix us after they own us lol.
Sometimes I think they try to make us like their fathers lol.

When my wife and I went to meet the minister he had us take a test. Like a compatibility test.
After we took this quiz he look at us in amazement an said he's never had anyone who took this test and
answered all the questions the same except for one answer. Who are you more comfortable with? What
was the reason you broke up with #2? Do you want to be married? What are your views on children?
How would you raise them?

I was lucky. I worked nights and my wife worked days. So I did play a big part in bring her up.
How would your family up bring affect your relationship in the long run? Do you think you could give
up the fast life to raise a family? Can you focus on your Queen and not another women? That's a trick
question. We are men and will always look at other women.. But remember the grass always looks
green on the other side so you must become skilled at keeping your grass greener than the other side.

And don't get me started on money. There is never enough. Sometimes I think my wife thinks I
poop gold out my butt! LOL Have you talked with your family about this? I think this is enough for
now. All this input might turn your beard gray! It's great to have the same goals in life but as we age we
change. Meaning our goals will change the path we take but must be careful to respect each others
thoughts and a pinions.

For as much as my wife and I have become different we are the same only I swear she could
make a drill Sargent and truck driver quiver in fear lol. Have you come up with terms of endearment?
One of my favorite for my wife is I call her my very own jack booted thug, but I live for the days when
that glow comes out of her though it is very few and in between. Today she gave me that look and I'm
glad I've stuck around!! Well before I write a book I'll sign off for now. I appreciate your trust in me to
help you with your little problem. A quote from a 6 figure earner I once knew which most likely has
nothing to do with your problem but here it goes.

The problem with problems is not that there are problems, its expecting there to be no problems!

At some point we most likely should talk on the phone about this son.
Sincerely, Mr Seven

0x49c29CE764FfEbFdA17cA660ECef605fa2035939 If you don't mind. I would do a test draft of lets

say $3500.00

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