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Mini Project

Aim: To implement the application of GA in MATLAB. In this case, application is Optimizing a Scheduling
Problem using Genetic Algorithms in MATLAB.


Problem Statement: The aim of this project is to implement Genetic Algorithms (GAs) in MATLAB to
optimize a scheduling problem. Scheduling problems involve the allocation of resources over time to
achieve specific objectives. In this context, we'll consider a job-shop scheduling problem where a set
of jobs needs to be processed on a set of machines with various processing times and constraints.

Genetic Algorithm Overview: Genetic Algorithms are optimization techniques inspired by the process
of natural selection. They use a population of potential solutions and evolve them over generations to
find an optimal or near-optimal solution. Here's how the algorithm works:

1. Initialization: Create an initial population of candidate solutions (schedules) with random


2. Fitness Evaluation: For each schedule, evaluate its fitness, which represents how well it
satisfies the scheduling objectives (e.g., minimizing makespan or total tardiness).

3. Selection: Select a subset of schedules from the current population as parents, favoring those
with higher fitness.

4. Crossover (Recombination): Combine the genes (job orders) of two parents to create one or
more offspring (new schedules).

5. Mutation: Introduce small random changes to the offspring to maintain diversity in the

6. Termination: Repeat the process for a predefined number of generations or until a stopping
criterion is met.

Output: The final schedule with the highest fitness is considered the optimized solution.
MATLAB Implementation:

% Define scheduling problem parameters

num_jobs = 10; % Number of jobs to be scheduled

num_machines = 3; % Number of machines available

population_size = 50; % Population size for GA

num_generations = 200; % Number of generations

% Generate initial population

population = randi([0 1], population_size, num_jobs);

for generation = 1:num_generations

% Evaluate fitness of each schedule

fitness = zeros(population_size, 1);

for i = 1:population_size

schedule = population(i, :);

fitness(i) = evaluate_fitness(schedule);


% Select parents for crossover

parents = select_parents(population, fitness);

% Apply crossover to create offspring

offspring = crossover(parents);

% Apply mutation to offspring

offspring = mutate(offspring);

% Replace the old population with the new generation

population = offspring;


% Find the best schedule

best_schedule = population(find(fitness == max(fitness)), :);

% Display the best schedule

disp('Best Schedule:');disp(best_schedule);
% Function to evaluate fitness (minimize makespan, maximize utilization)

function fitness = evaluate_fitness(schedule)

% This function evaluates the schedule.

% It should return a fitness value based on makespan, utilization, or other metrics.

% For simplicity, assume a random fitness value in this example.

fitness = rand();


% Function to select parents (e.g., roulette wheel selection)

function parents = select_parents(population, fitness)

% For simplicity, choose parents randomly in this example.

num_parents = size(population, 1);

parent_indices = randi(num_parents, 1, num_parents);

parents = population(parent_indices, :);


% Function for crossover (e.g., one-point crossover)

function offspring = crossover(parents)

% For simplicity, use one-point crossover in this example.

num_parents = size(parents, 1);

crossover_point = randi(size(parents, 2) - 1);

offspring = zeros(size(parents));

for i = 1:num_parents

parent1 = parents(i, :);

parent2 = parents(randi(num_parents), :);

offspring(i, :) = [parent1(1:crossover_point), parent2(crossover_point+1:end)];


% Function for mutation

function offspring = mutate(offspring)

% For simplicity, flip a random bit in each offspring with a small probability.

mutation_rate = 0.01;

num_offspring = size(offspring, 1);

num_genes = size(offspring, 2);

for i = 1:num_offspring

for j = 1:num_genes

if rand() < mutation_rate

offspring(i, j) = ~offspring(i, j); % Flip the bit





Output: The output of this project is the best schedule found by the Genetic Algorithm, represented as
a binary sequence. The output may look like this:

This represents a schedule where jobs are assigned to machines according to the optimized sequence.


1. **Random Fitness Evaluation:** The fitness function in the code provides random fitness values for
simplicity. In real-world applications, the fitness function should be based on actual scheduling
objectives and constraints, which are not considered here.

2. **Simplified Operators:** The code uses basic operators (selection, crossover, and mutation) for
illustrative purposes. In practice, more sophisticated techniques and operators are often required to
handle complex scheduling problems.

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