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HW 3.2 | Two Annotated Bib Entries; Product Research; 'Slavery Footprint';


Type of Source: Article

MLA Citation: Brewer, Mark K. "Slow fashion in a fast fashion world: Promoting

sustainability and responsibility." Laws 8.4 (2019): 24.

Summary: This article discusses fast fashion's negative environmental and social impacts, a

trend that prioritizes cheap and rapidly produced clothing over quality and sustainability. The

author argues that the current fast fashion model is unsustainable and that consumers,

producers, and policymakers must work together to shift toward a more responsible and

ethical fashion industry. The article supports its argument using statistics, expert opinions,

and real-life examples.

Contribution: This source will be useful in supporting my argument that fast fashion is a

major environmental and social problem that needs to be addressed. Specifically, I can use

the author's analysis of the fast fashion industry's negative impact on the environment and

society to highlight the urgent need for change.

Type of Source: TED Talk video


MLA Citation: Chang, L.T. (no date) The Voices of China's workers, Leslie T. Chang: The

voices of China's workers | TED Talk. Available at:

(Accessed: April 19, 2023).

Summary: In her TED Talk, journalist Leslie T. Chang shares her experiences of living and

working alongside Chinese factory workers who make the products that many people in the

West consume, including clothing. Chang explains that these workers are often paid very

little for their long hours and hard work, and they endure harsh living and working

conditions. She notes that, despite the difficult conditions, the workers she met often had a

strong sense of pride in their work and were committed to supporting their families. Chang

argues that it is crucial for consumers to understand the human cost of the products they buy

and to advocate for the rights of workers in the fashion industry.

Contribution: This source is highly relevant to the topic of fast fashion and its impacts on

workers in the supply chain. Chang's firsthand accounts of the experiences of Chinese factory

workers offer insight into the human cost of the clothing that many people buy and wear. By

sharing these stories, Chang raises awareness about the exploitation and poor treatment of

workers in the fashion industry. Her talk highlights the need for greater transparency and

accountability in the industry's supply chain, as well as the importance of consumer activism

and advocacy for workers' rights. This source can be used to support arguments for fair labor

practices in the garment industry and to encourage consumers to make more ethical and

sustainable choices when it comes to their clothing purchases.


I have chosen to write my essay about Nike, a popular sports apparel and footwear

company. Upon researching Nike's production practices, I found that the company has faced

criticism for sourcing its products from factories with poor working conditions and low

wages, particularly in countries like China and Indonesia (Boyle et al., 2019). Nike has

implemented various initiatives to improve working conditions and ensure ethical production

practices, such as the Nike Code of Conduct and the Sustainable Manufacturing and Sourcing


Nike has also tried to reduce its environmental impact through sustainable materials

and production methods. For example, the company has developed a material made from

recycled polyester and has committed to using 100% renewable energy in its owned or

operated facilities by 2025 (Boyle et al., 2019). However, Nike still faces criticism for its

production practices, predominantly concerning the treatment of employees in its supply

chain. While the company has taken steps towards more responsible and ethical production,

there is still room for improvement. Overall, Nike's production practices are a complex issue

that requires further investigation and analysis.

Work Cited

Boyle, Kevin, et al. "Nike, Inc.: Believing in Colin Kaepernick, Sacrificing Brand Image?."

SAGE Business Cases. The Eugene D. Fanning Center for Business Communication,

Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, 2019.

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