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Name : ______________________ Subject : English

Class : IV A/ B/ C/ D/ E Day/ Date : ___________________

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE (maximum score : 16 )

Cross (X) the right answer!
1. “It is a quarter past five.”
The right digital clock for the time above is ….
A. 06:45 B. 07:45 C. 08:45 D. 05:45

2. Look at the analog clock beside! What time is it?

A. It is half past one. C. It is half past eleven.
B. It is half past two. D. It is half past twelve.

3. The right sentence for the picture beside is ….

A. Mr. Ali goes to the office on bike. C. Mr. Ali go to the office on by bike.
B. Mr. Ali goes to the office by bike. D. Mr. Ali go to the office by bike.

4. “Jam berapa sekarang?” in English is….

A. What clock is it now? C. What analog is it now?
B. What time is it now? D. What digital is it now?

5. The right sentence for the picture is….

A. Andy plays football in the field at seven o’clock.
B. Andy played tennis in the field at nine o’clock.
C. Andy plays tennis in the field at seven o’clock.
D. Andy played football in the field at nine o’clock.

6. Look at the picture!

What does he do at 6 o’clock?
A. He washes hands at 6 o’clock. C. He takes a bath at 6 o’clock.
B. He brushes teeth at 6 o’clock. D. He washes face at 6 o’clock.

7. The right question about time based on the picture is ….

A. What do Andy do at 10 o’clock? C. What does Andy does at 10 o’clock?
B. What Andy does at 10 o’clock? D. What does Andy do at 10 o’clock?

8. Look at the picture! Andhara and Andhini . . . at four o’clock in the afternoon.
A. water the flowers C. waters the flowers
B. waters the flowers D. watered the flowers
9. Mr. Mark is a pilot. He flies a...
A. plane B. ship C. car D. taxi

10. I look like a bicycle but I have three wheels and I can bring many things on me. Who am I?
A. Train B. Boat C. Pedicab D. Truck
11. I am a small version of a ship. I am a . . . .
A. air balloon B. pedicab C. boat D. taxi

For number 12 - 16, look at the following pictures.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

12. Based on the pictures above, water transportations are shown in numbers . . . .
A. (2) and (4) B. (5) and (6) C. (1) and (3) D. (2) and (6)

13. Based on the pictures above, air transportations are shown in numbers . . . .
A. (1) and (3) B. (3) and (4) C. (2) and (3) D. (5) and (6)
14. Radit goes to school by transportation in picture (1). It is a . . . .
A. bycicle B. bicycle C. byecicle D. byicycle
15. Picture (2) is a very big transportation that can float on the water. It is a . . . .
A. truck B. van C. car D. ship
16. Transportation in picture (4) can fly high. It is an . . . .
A. water balloon B. basket ballon C. air balloon D. flying balloon

A. Fill in the blanks with the right answer (maximum score : 20)
For number 1 and 2, complete the sentence below based on the picture.

Look at the picture! They go to school (1) ...

at (2) . . . .

3. Look at the picture beside! The kids go to the . . . by bus every two months.

4. I am a public transportation. I run on a rail. I am a . . . .

5. It is a public transportation and has four wheels. One of its biggest brand is Blue Bird. It is a . . . .
6. This transportation are for students. It is a . . . .

7. Father is late. He goes to the office by car at . . . .

For number 8 – 10, listen to the text from your teacher.

8. Aisyah and her family … at 05.00.
9. Aisyah’s grandma lives in . . . .

10. What time do they arrive home? Draw the time in the empty clock beside.

B. ESSAY (maximum score : 14)

Answer each question based on the instruction.

1. Look at the following picture. Write down the right question for the provided answer. (maximum score : 3.5)

A : ___________________________________?

B : Mother always buys fruits in the market every Sunday morning.

2. Look at the following picture. Write down the right answer for the following question. (maximum score : 3.5)

A : How does grandpa go to the paddy field?

B : ____________________________________________

3. Look at the picture. Write down a sentence based on the picture.

(maximum score : 3.5)

For number 4 , translate the following sentence into English. (maximum score : 3.5)
4. Bagaimana kamu pergi ke toko buku?
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. D

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. On foot
2. Seven o’clock
3. Zoo
4. Train
5. Taxi
6. School bus
7. Taxi
8. Pray
9. Surabaya


1. What does mother do every Sunday morning?

2. Grandpa goes to paddy field on foot.
3. Based on students’ answer
4. How do you go to book store?

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