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The Tale Of Medusa

Gods and Gremlins goodmorning,

Is anyone here fimiliar of the tale of Medusa? Did you know in ancient Greek
mythology, Medusa was known as a Gorgon? The mythology of the Gorgon in archaic
Greece, Hesiod “Theogony” the Gorgons are children of the sea Gods Phorcys and
Ceto are the parents of the “Gorgons who dwell beyond glorious ocean in
frontier land towards night” they are known as Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa the
latter of whom was mortal unlike her deathless sisters. Contrary to popular
belief Medusa was never meant to be beautiful instead she was described to be a
woman with a wide face sporting almost comically grotesque features including a
beard, tusks, a long tounge, wings, and snakes on her hair.

Hesiod mentioned Medusa having sexual intimacy with Poseidond and from Poseidon
Medusa conceives the winged horse Pegasus and the less well-known winged
Chrysaor who are birthed from her neck after being decapitated by Perseus. The
archaic Gorgon was clearly depicted as a monster but as the classical period
began, the perception of the Gorgon changed and began to have more ideally
feminine form and began to have a more passive depiction of Medusa and gave her
a more sympatetic story in Ovid's Metamorphosis where she was sexually assaulted
by the God Neptune and was wrongly punished by the Goddess Minerva.

The story of Medusa has transformed from a cautionary myth into a symbol of
empowerment over time, but it is important to keep in mind that we should
distinguish each variant of a story because it's origins and culture affects the
real people who lived in these times and wrote these stories.

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