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Task 1

Fish market dataset was created by SAS Ondemand for Academics, records 7 different
fish species in fish market sales, and contains 7 features.

● Species: Name of the species

● Weight: Weight of the individual fish in grams
● Length1: Vertical length in cm
● Length2: Diagonal length in cm
● Length3: Cross length in cm
● Height: Height in cm
● Width: Width in cm

Do the following tasks on the dataset

1. Check for the missing values in the dataset. (7.5 Marks)
2. Verify the outlier by plotting the data. Delete the outliers if they are present in the
dataset (7.5 Marks)
3. Apply any 2 different scaling techniques on the dataset (7.5 Marks)
4. Generate the following graph that gives count of each category of fish (7.5

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