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Deforestation Hass Report

Deforestation is the removal of trees

in a large area which can cause
damages to the environment. In this
report I have chosen to talk about
deforestation in Australia and Brazil.
I will talk about the causes and
effects of deforestation and
management solutions and their

In the maps above is shows area which have been devastated by Deforestation by humans and
nature causes. In the map of Australia, it shows changes in land degradation and the cleared area.
The cause of this effect is deforestation. Australia has had 125 million hectares of land deforested;
the biggest reason is due to cattle farming. This has affected people and animals in many different
ways by creating jobs for logging, cattle farming, deliveries by vehicles and helps the companies
which create the tools which are used to cut down the trees Each day in Australia 2045 hectares of
forested land is removed each day, over 900 plant and over 250 animal lives have been affected by
deforestation and the numbers continue to rise each day. Deforestation hurts the environment by
killing the natural habits of many different flora and fauna killing biodiversity and by degrading the
land. The hot spots are all around the cost in Australia because it would be easier to transfer them to
different places by boat. In the map of Brazil shows different hot spots and the intensity of the
deforestation. Almost two million hectares of forest has been cut down since the 1960s. The main
reason for the deforestation of the Amazon is due to farming. This has affected the environment in
negative ways by removing biodiversity in the forest and killing many different plant and animal life’s.
it has devastated the natural habit for animals such as the jaguar and giant otter. It has also
negatively affected the group of people who live in the forest and need the resources from the forest
to survive. Logging in the Amazon has created 204,00 indirect and direct jobs.

There are many issues which are contributing to deforestation, such as unstrict logging laws and the
meat industry. Reducing the consumption of meat will reduce Deforestation because meat would not
be at a high demand. According to the “Australia Good Meat” 155 thousand tonnes of meat is
wasted per year, if the meat production is reduced it may not have a large effect on the economy.
Though it could have a large effect due to the amount of people who are employed. Approximately
428,000 people are employed apart of the meat industry (according to “meat & livestock Australia),
reducing the size of the industry it will reduce the number of people employed. The environment will
have a positive impact if the meat industry is reduced because less forest will be cut down for more
room for farming.

Creating laws against logging will have many different affects. It will affect the economy and society
by removing many jobs which keep people employed an makes money from the economy. stricter
laws against logging will cause the price of timber to rise and less sustainable materials may be used
to construct houses and other buildings. Creating laws against logging will cause other business to be
affected, such as farming and mining, because they could not expand their area causing them to
make less money. The environment will benefit from stricter laws because it would allow biodiversity
and large amount of tree to be able to spread over the land and help remove greenhouse gases from
the air.
Both solutions have their benefits, but they also have their disadvantages. The benefits of reducing
the meat industry are better for the health of the forests and the animals and plants that live in the
forests. The disadvantages are the reduction of jobs the hurting the economy in different ways. The
benefits and disadvantages of creating stricter logging laws are very similar the meat industries,
though anti-logging laws benefits are more impactful because they will help deforestation in all
industries instead of just one industries. Anti-logging laws could help against deforestation in a big
way but could not fix it due to non-human deforestation which is caused from forest fires and

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