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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. King's Head
b. !Red Lion
c. White Hart
d. Royal Oak
Q2: In a standard set of playing cards, which is the only king without a moustache??

a. Diamonds
b. Spades
c. Clubs
d. !Hearts
Q3: When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Second Continental Congress??

a. !July 4, 1776
b. June 4, 1776
c. May 4, 1776
d. July 2, 1776
Q4: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??

a. Karashi
b. !Wasabi
c. Ponzu
d. Mentsuyu
Q5: What is a "dakimakura"??

a. !A body pillow
b. A word used to describe two people who truly love each other
c. A Chinese meal, essentially composed of fish
d. A yoga posture
Q6: Which of these is the name of a Japanese system of alternative medicine, literally meaning "finger pressure"?

a. Ukiyo
b. Majime
c. !Shiatsu
d. Ikigai
Q7: What was the soft drink Pepsi originally introduced as??

a. Pepsin Syrup
b. !Brad's Drink
c. Carolina Cola
d. Pepsin Pop
Q8: Which country has the most Trappist breweries??

a. France
b. !Belgium
c. Netherlands
d. USA
Q9: What is the star sign of someone born on Valentines day??

a. Scorpio
b. !Aquarius
c. Capricorn
d. Pisces
Q10: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. Tu quoque
b. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
c. Argumentum ad populum
d. !Ad hominem
"finger pressure"??

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