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Q1: When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Second Continental Congress??

a. June 4, 1776
b. May 4, 1776
c. July 2, 1776
d. !July 4, 1776
Q2: Scotch whisky and Drambuie make up which cocktail??

a. Manhattan
b. !Rusty Nail
c. Sex on the Beach
d. Screwdriver
Q3: What was the destination of the missing flight MH370??

a. Singapore
b. Kuala Lumpur
c. Tokyo
d. !Beijing
Q4: What is the romanized Japanese word for "university"??

a. !Daigaku
b. Jimusho
c. Toshokan
d. Shokudou
Q5: What is the name of the popular animatronic singing fish prop, singing such hits such as "Don't Worry, Be Ha

a. !Big Mouth Billy Bass

b. Big Billy Bass
c. Singing Fish
d. Sardeen
Q6: The term "scientist" was coined in which year??

a. 1942
b. !1833
c. 1933
d. 1796
Q7: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet??

a. !Omega
b. Kappa
c. Mu
d. Epsilon
Q8: Which of the General Mills Corporation's monster cereals was the last to be released in the 1970's??

a. !Fruit Brute
b. Count Chocula
c. Franken Berry
d. Boo-Berry
Q9: What is real haggis made of??

a. Sheep's Heart, Kidneys and Lungs

b. Whole Sheep
c. Sheep's Liver, Kidneys and Eyes
d. !Sheep's Heart, Liver and Lungs
Q10: Earl Grey tea is black tea flavoured with what??

a. !Bergamot oil
b. Lavender
c. Honey
d. Vanilla
uot;Don't Worry, Be Happy"??
d in the 1970's??

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