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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. Royal Oak
b. White Hart
c. !Red Lion
d. King's Head
Q2: Scotch whisky and Drambuie make up which cocktail??

a. Sex on the Beach

b. Screwdriver
c. Manhattan
d. !Rusty Nail
Q3: What does the "G" mean in "G-Man"??

a. Geronimo
b. Ghost
c. Going
d. !Government
Q4: Which of the following Ivy League universities has its official motto in Hebrew as well as in Latin??

a. Columbia University
b. Princeton University
c. Harvard University
d. !Yale University
Q5: The term "scientist" was coined in which year??

a. 1796
b. 1933
c. !1833
d. 1942
Q6: In what year was McDonald's founded??

a. 1951
b. !1955
c. 1964
d. 1947
Q7: Which of these words means "idle spectator"??

a. Jentacular
b. Gossypiboma
c. !Gongoozler
d. Meupareunia
Q8: What is the star sign of someone born on Valentines day??

a. Scorpio
b. Pisces
c. Capricorn
d. !Aquarius
Q9: What is the full title of the Prime Minister of the UK??

a. Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition

b. Duke of Cambridge
c. !First Lord of the Treasury
d. Manager of the Crown Estate
Q10: The Fields Medal, one of the most sought after awards in mathematics, is awarded every how many years??

a. !4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 6
how many years??

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