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Q1: What name represents the letter "M" in the NATO phonetic alphabet??

a. !Mike
b. Matthew
c. Mark
d. Max
Q2: In the Morse code, which letter is indicated by 3 dots? ?

a. O
b. A
c. C
d. !S
Q3: What is a "dakimakura"??

a. A word used to describe two people who truly love each other
b. A yoga posture
c. !A body pillow
d. A Chinese meal, essentially composed of fish
Q4: What is the Swedish word for "window"??

a. Ruta
b. !Fönster
c. Skärm
d. Hål
Q5: What is the romanized Russian word for "winter"??

a. !Zima
b. Leto
c. Vesna
d. Osen'
Q6: Who is the founder of "The Lego Group"??

a. Jens Niels Christiansen

b. Kirstine Christiansen
c. !Ole Kirk Christiansen
d. Gerhardt Kirk Christiansen
Q7: Which of the following carbonated soft drinks were introduced first??

a. Sprite
b. Mountain Dew
c. !Dr. Pepper
d. Coca-Cola
Q8: When did the website "Facebook" launch??

a. 2006
b. 2005
c. !2004
d. 2003
Q9: Where did the pineapple plant originate??

a. Hawaii
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. !South America
Q10: Which of these words means "idle spectator"??

a. Gossypiboma
b. Jentacular
c. !Gongoozler
d. Meupareunia

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