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Q1: In a standard set of playing cards, which is the only king without a moustache??

a. Diamonds
b. Spades
c. Clubs
d. !Hearts
Q2: Which of the following buildings is example of a structure primarily built in the Art Deco architectural style??

a. One Detroit Center

b. Westendstrasse 1
c. Taipei 101
d. !Niagara Mohawk Building
Q3: What is the German word for "spoon"??

a. !Löffel
b. Messer
c. Gabel
d. Essstäbchen
Q4: What is the Italian word for "tomato"??

a. !Pomodoro
b. Aglio
c. Peperoncino
d. Cipolla
Q5: On average, Americans consume 100 pounds of what per second??

a. Potatoes
b. Donuts
c. Cocaine
d. !Chocolate
Q6: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet??

a. Mu
b. Epsilon
c. !Omega
d. Kappa
Q7: When did the website "Facebook" launch??

a. !2004
b. 2003
c. 2006
d. 2005
Q8: The website "Shut Up & Sit Down" reviews which form of media??

a. Video Games
b. Films
c. Television Shows
d. !Board Games
Q9: Which item of clothing is usually worn by a Scotsman at a wedding??

a. Skirt
b. Rhobes
c. !Kilt
d. Dress
Q10: The Mexican Beer "Corona" is what type of beer??

a. Pilfsner
b. India Pale Ale
c. Baltic Porter
d. !Pale Lager
chitectural style??

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