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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. White Hart
b. Royal Oak
c. !Red Lion
d. King's Head
Q2: What is the name given to Indian food cooked over charcoal in a clay oven??

a. Tiki masala
b. !Tandoori
c. Biryani
d. Pani puri
Q3: What is the Swedish word for "window"??

a. Ruta
b. Hål
c. Skärm
d. !Fönster
Q4: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet??

a. Epsilon
b. Kappa
c. !Omega
d. Mu
Q5: The new One World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York City was designed by which architect? ?

a. Fumihiko Maki
b. Michael Arad
c. !David Childs
d. Bjarke Ingels
Q6: In what year was McDonald's founded??

a. 1964
b. 1951
c. 1947
d. !1955
Q7: What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"??

a. !Brasil
b. Brazil
c. Brasilia
d. Brasíl
Q8: Whose greyscale face is on the kappa emoticon on Twitch??

a. Justin DeSeno
b. !Josh DeSeno
c. Jimmy DeSeno
d. John DeSeno
Q9: What is the star sign of someone born on Valentines day??

a. Capricorn
b. Pisces
c. !Aquarius
d. Scorpio
Q10: What was the name given to Japanese military dictators who ruled the country through the 12th and 19th Century??

a. Shinobi
b. Ninja
c. Samurai
d. !Shogun
he 12th and 19th Century??

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