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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. Royal Oak
b. White Hart
c. King's Head
d. !Red Lion
Q2: What does a milliner make and sell??

a. Shoes
b. Belts
c. !Hats
d. Shirts
Q3: Who is a co-founder of music streaming service Spotify??

a. Michael Breidenbruecker
b. Sean Parker
c. !Daniel Ek
d. Felix Miller
Q4: What did the Spanish autonomous community of Catalonia ban in 2010, that took effect in 2012??

a. !Bullfighting
b. Flamenco
c. Mariachi
d. Fiestas
Q5: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet??

a. Kappa
b. Mu
c. Epsilon
d. !Omega
Q6: The new One World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York City was designed by which architect? ?

a. Bjarke Ingels
b. Michael Arad
c. Fumihiko Maki
d. !David Childs
Q7: In what year was McDonald's founded??

a. 1951
b. !1955
c. 1964
d. 1947
Q8: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died from complications of which form of cancer??

a. Bone
b. Stomach
c. Liver
d. !Pancreatic
Q9: Computer manufacturer Compaq was acquired for $25 billion dollars in 2002 by which company??

a. Toshiba
b. !Hewlett-Packard
c. Asus
d. Dell
Q10: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. Tu quoque
b. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
c. !Ad hominem
d. Argumentum ad populum

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