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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. King's Head
b. !Red Lion
c. White Hart
d. Royal Oak
Q2: What is the defining characteristic of someone who is described as hirsute??

a. !Hairy
b. Rude
c. Funny
d. Tall
Q3: Scotch whisky and Drambuie make up which cocktail??

a. Screwdriver
b. Sex on the Beach
c. !Rusty Nail
d. Manhattan
Q4: What is the romanized Japanese word for "university"??

a. !Daigaku
b. Toshokan
c. Shokudou
d. Jimusho
Q5: What is the romanized Russian word for "winter"??

a. !Zima
b. Leto
c. Vesna
d. Osen'
Q6: What character was once considered to be the 27th letter of the alphabet??

a. Pilcrow
b. !Ampersand
c. Interrobang
d. Tilde
Q7: What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"??

a. Brasilia
b. !Brasil
c. Brasíl
d. Brazil
Q8: The website "Shut Up & Sit Down" reviews which form of media??

a. Video Games
b. !Board Games
c. Films
d. Television Shows
Q9: Which country drives on the left side of the road??

a. Germany
b. China
c. Russia
d. !Japan
Q10: The Fields Medal, one of the most sought after awards in mathematics, is awarded every how many years??

a. 5
b. 6
c. 3
d. !4
how many years??

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