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Q1: According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK??

a. White Hart
b. Royal Oak
c. King's Head
d. !Red Lion
Q2: This field is sometimes known as “The Dismal Science.”?

a. Philosophy
b. !Economics
c. Politics
d. Physics
Q3: What does the "G" mean in "G-Man"??

a. Ghost
b. !Government
c. Going
d. Geronimo
Q4: What is the romanized Japanese word for "university"??

a. !Daigaku
b. Jimusho
c. Toshokan
d. Shokudou
Q5: What country saw a world record 315 million voters turn out for elections on May 20, 1991??

a. United States of America

b. Soviet Union
c. Poland
d. !India
Q6: What character was once considered to be the 27th letter of the alphabet??

a. !Ampersand
b. Interrobang
c. Pilcrow
d. Tilde
Q7: What was the soft drink Pepsi originally introduced as??

a. Carolina Cola
b. Pepsin Syrup
c. !Brad's Drink
d. Pepsin Pop
Q8: What is a Burgee??

a. A rope
b. A window
c. !A flag
d. A type of food
Q9: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died from complications of which form of cancer??

a. !Pancreatic
b. Liver
c. Stomach
d. Bone
Q10: What is the highest number of Michelin stars a restaurant can receive??

a. Four
b. Six
c. Five
d. !Three

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