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Q1: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??

a. Ponzu
b. !Wasabi
c. Mentsuyu
d. Karashi
Q2: What is a "dakimakura"??

a. A yoga posture
b. !A body pillow
c. A word used to describe two people who truly love each other
d. A Chinese meal, essentially composed of fish
Q3: What is the Swedish word for "window"??

a. Skärm
b. Ruta
c. !Fönster
d. Hål
Q4: What direction does the Statue of Liberty face??

a. Southwest
b. !Southeast
c. Northwest
d. Northeast
Q5: Which iconic Disneyland attraction was closed in 2017 to be remodeled as a "Guardians of the Galaxy" theme

a. Pirates of the Caribbean

b. Peter Pan's Flight
c. The Haunted Mansion
d. !Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Q6: When did the website "Facebook" launch??

a. !2004
b. 2006
c. 2003
d. 2005
Q7: Earl Grey tea is black tea flavoured with what??

a. Honey
b. Lavender
c. Vanilla
d. !Bergamot oil
Q8: The website "Shut Up & Sit Down" reviews which form of media??

a. Television Shows
b. !Board Games
c. Films
d. Video Games
Q9: A statue of Charles Darwin sits in what London museum??

a. Science Museum
b. British Museum
c. Tate
d. !Natural History Museum
Q10: What is the highest number of Michelin stars a restaurant can receive??

a. Six
b. !Three
c. Five
d. Four
ns of the Galaxy" themed ride??

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