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Q1: What is a "dakimakura"??

a. !A body pillow
b. A Chinese meal, essentially composed of fish
c. A word used to describe two people who truly love each other
d. A yoga posture
Q2: The term "scientist" was coined in which year??

a. !1833
b. 1933
c. 1942
d. 1796
Q3: On average, Americans consume 100 pounds of what per second??

a. !Chocolate
b. Donuts
c. Cocaine
d. Potatoes
Q4: According to the United States' CDC, one in how many Americans die annually due to smoking??

a. !Five
b. Ten
c. One hundred
d. Twenty
Q5: Which iconic Disneyland attraction was closed in 2017 to be remodeled as a "Guardians of the Galaxy" theme

a. Peter Pan's Flight

b. Pirates of the Caribbean
c. !Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
d. The Haunted Mansion
Q6: What is a Burgee??

a. A rope
b. !A flag
c. A type of food
d. A window
Q7: Who invented Pastafarianism??

a. Zach Soldi
b. !Bobby Henderson
c. Eric Tignor
d. Bill Nye
Q8: Which slogan did the fast food company, McDonald's, use before their "I'm Lovin' It" slog

a. Why Pay More!?

b. Have It Your Way
c. Making People Happy Through Food
d. !We Love to See You Smile
Q9: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. Argumentum ad populum
b. Tu quoque
c. !Ad hominem
d. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Q10: What fast food chain has the most locations globally? ?

a. McDonalds
b. KFC
c. !Subway
d. Starbucks
o smoking??

ns of the Galaxy" themed ride??

9;m Lovin' It" slogan??

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