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Take some quiet, undisturbed time to thoughtfully respond to the reflection questions. Allow yourself
freedom to listen to your soul’s longings without judgement or self-editing.

1. In a few words or phrases, describe how you are presently doing:

I am perfectly doing fine. Some days were tough, but I was able to get through it.

2. How have you experienced God lately?

It may be embarrassing to say this, but I gave less time to God lately. I don’t attend worship like I
used to. I'm getting lazier each day. It’s like when I come to worship, I come only for the attendance. I
know it’s wrong and I’m aware of it. But even though I am like this, I still thank God for giving me
bountiful blessings into my life. For giving me good health to live longer amidst the pandemic I was able
to survive and do things that I love to do, for securing me, for giving us daily food to eat, and for waking
up every day to see the beauty of His creation. I may not verbal about it, but I thank God for my
everyday living. And my goal right now is to show to Him how thankful I am through prayer, the most
effective way of communicating with God.

3. What has been life-giving? What has been life-draining?

 God, my family, and friends are my life-giving. These are the people I absolutely love being
around. They bring encouragement, joy, and life into my life. They are the reason for every fight
I am doing for my daily living.
 There are also people who are so life-draining. These are the people who bring so much
discouragement to your life. This can also be academically related, failure.

4. What things are presently occupying your mind and heart?

For each section of the diagram, consider how

fulfilled you feel in that area. Draw a dot in between the
center of the circle and the outer circle to represent the
amount you feel fulfilled in that area, with the center
representing 0% and the outer edge representing 100%.
Connect each of the dots to create a shape - most likely it
is a starburst.

5. As you look at the shape on the diagram, what are your thoughts or insights?
The shape looks like a shield. And as you can see, my spirituality is lower of them all. This shows
that I focus more on other things than this. So, this is what I should look forward to that I should
improve myself spirituality.
6. What are the hopes and desires you want to bring to God?
My hopes and desires at this very moment as I am writing this is that to always keep us in His
protection knowing that we are experiencing pandemic and typhoon Ulysses, to keep us bless, and to
keep us safe. I thank God for every obstacles in my life that I encountered. Struggle is the key to success.
Life is full of twists and turns. Everyone has to struggle here in this world to overcome every obstacle in
the way to success. And I’m also longing to hear the word of God to fulfill the emptiness of myself. And
it’s only His word that could fill it and complete me.

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