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Hello, Welcome to our MOOC English Course Level A2, module 1.

In today's class, you will learn verbs to describe your daily routine.
Let's review some verbs we commonly use to describe our daily routine.
Please look at these pictures.
Then listen and repeat after me.
Get up
Take a shower
Have breakfast
Brush my teeth
Go to school
Start classes
Very good!
Let's look at other pictures
Have lunch
Leave school
Do homework
Play games
Watch TV
Play football
Nice job!
One more time
Have dinner
Read a book
Go to bed
Nice try!
Match the pictures to daily routine verbs.
I tell a number and you choose the action
Number 1:
get up
Number 2:
brush my teeth
Number 3:
do homework
Number 4:
watch TV
Number 5:
start classes
Number 6:
leave school
Number 7:
play games
Number 8:
play football
Number 9:
have breakfast
Number 10:
go to school
Number 11:
have dinner
Number 12:
have a shower
Number 13:
have lunch
Number 14:
go to bed
Number 15:
read a book
Good job!
Let's practice one more exercise.
Now that you have reviewed the daily routine verbs,
let's use them in sentences.
Complete these sentences with the correct answer.
For example:
Peter usually ....
breakfast early in the morning.
Our options are:
From the four options, the right one is:
Peter usually has breakfast in the morning.
You can continue.
We'll check your answers together.
After classes, Maria always...
Our options are:
the right one is:
My friend sometimes...
to school by bus.
Our options are:
The right one is:
Ok, let's continue
Many people …
TV every day.
The right one is:
My parents never …
dinner after 7 o'clock.
The right one is:
Ok, that was easy, right?
Good job!
Now let's review what we learned in this lesson:
we learned:
Verbs to describe your daily routine.
How to use daily routine verbs in sentences.
This is the end of our lesson.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks for watching and see you next time!

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