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Biological Trace Element Research

Fluoride-Free Diet Stimulates Pineal Growth in Aged Male Rats

Aaron Mrvelj 1,2 & Mark D. Womble 1

Received: 29 July 2019 / Accepted: 29 October 2019

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The pineal gland is a naturally calcifying endocrine organ which secretes the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin. Age-related
changes of the pineal have been observed, including decreased pinealocyte numbers, increased calcification, and a reduction in
melatonin production. Since fluoride is attracted to calcium within the pineal gland, this study sought to examine the effects of a
fluoride-free diet on the morphology of the pineal gland of aged male rats (26 months old). All animals had previously been raised
on standard fluoridated food and drinking water. These control animals were compared to other animals that were placed on a
fluoride-free diet (Bfluoride flush^) for 4 or 8 weeks. At 4 weeks, pineal glands from fluoride-free animals showed a 96% increase
in supporting cell numbers and at 8 weeks a 73% increase in the number of pinealocytes compared to control animals. In contrast,
the number of pinealocytes and supporting cells in animals given an initial 4-week fluoride flush followed by a return to
fluoridated drinking water (1.2 ppm NaF) for 4 weeks were not different from control animals. Our findings therefore demon-
strate that a fluoride-free diet encouraged pinealocyte proliferation and pineal gland growth in aged animals and fluoride
treatment inhibited gland growth. These findings suggest that dietary fluoride may be detrimental to the pineal gland.

Keywords Pineal gland . Pinealocytes . Melatonin . Calcification . Fluoride . Fluoridation . Drinking water . Aging .
Neurodegenerative disease

Introduction Aging is associated with morphological changes in the pi-

neal gland and a decline in MEL production. Pineal parenchy-
Pineal Morphology and Aging mal volume is directly proportional to both pinealocyte num-
bers and melatonin production [11–14]. The size and weight
The pineal gland is a neuroendocrine organ that secretes the of the human pineal declines with age [15] and glands from
sleep-regulating hormone melatonin (MEL). The secretory aged rats and humans show increased fibrosis and elevated
pinealocyte cells of the rat and human pineal gland are classi- glial cell numbers [1, 15, 16]. In both rats and humans, levels
fied as either light (type I) or dark (type II) cells based on their of MEL as measured in the saliva [17], blood serum [18], or
light microscopic staining characteristics, with the majority of urine [19, 20] also decline with increasing age.
pinealocytes being light cells [1–6]. More recently, single-cell The decline in MEL production with aging is due to the
analysis of rat pinealocytes transcriptomes has described α- and loss of pinealocytes. Several studies have found that the pineal
β-pinealocytes which together contribute to the production of glands of aged (> 22 months) rats [16, 21, 22] or shrews [23]
MEL [7, 8]. Pinealocytes constitute approximately 95% of the have decreased numbers of pinealocytes. Although the total
gland, with the remainder consisting of interstitial and number of pinealocytes declines with age, glands from elderly
supporting cells, such as astrocytes, microglia, and capillary animals have elevated numbers of dark pinealocytes, but these
endothelial cells, within a network of nerve fibers [6, 9, 10]. cells display several indicators of degeneration, including or-
ganelle swelling, increased numbers of cytoplasmic vacuoles
and dense bodies, and increased plasma membrane permeabil-
ity [1, 21–23], suggesting that dark cells may be in the process
* Mark D. Womble
of undergoing cell death. Pinealocyte precursor cells have the
morphological features of type II pinealocytes (dark cells) and
Department of Biological Sciences, Youngstown State University, 1 are found dispersed throughout the gland of adult rats [10].
University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555, USA Observations of dying dark cells in aged animals may there-
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Northeastern Ohio fore indicate the selective loss of these precursor cells, thereby
Medical University, Rootstown, OH, USA reducing the regenerative ability of the pineal.
Mrvelj and Womble

The pineal also has naturally occurring intracellular and has been found in the pineal glands of elderly humans [25,
extracellular calcium phosphate concretions known as 30]. In these glands, fluoride was positively correlated with
acervuli (corpora arenacea or brain sand) [1, 24–29]. In rats, calcium levels and the fluoride/calcium ratio of the pineal
shrews, and humans, the degree of pineal calcification in- exceeded that of bone. Similarly, ducks exposed to elevated
creases with age [1, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29–32]. An analysis of environmental levels of fluoride show significantly higher
light and dark cells in the rat pineal found elevated levels of concentrations of fluoride in their pineal gland compared to
intracellular calcium and signs of cellular degeneration only in bone tissue [46].
dark cells [22], suggesting that calcification is related to both Fluoridated public drinking water is widely used as a sys-
the age-dependent loss of pinealocytes and the decline in temic treatment for dental caries, but few studies have been
MEL production in older humans [29]. Decreased pineal vol- conducted to assess the effects of chronic dietary fluoride ex-
ume and increased calcification have also been correlated with posure. The objective of this study was to examine the effect
the cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s disease but not other of removing fluoride from the diet of aged rats (starting age 26
dementias [13, 33], a finding that may be related to a decline months) on the cellular structure of the pineal gland and com-
in MEL secretion and the loss of its neuroprotective anti- pare this to pineal glands from animals exposed to dietary
inflammatory and anti-oxidative actions [34, 35]. fluoride. Glands obtained from animals previously raised with
fluoridated food and drinking water were compared to animals
Fluoride placed on a fluoride-free diet for 4 or 8 weeks. Additional
animals were maintained fluoride-free for the initial 4-week
Due to the reduction in dental caries [36], water fluoridation is period and then switched back to fluoridated drinking water
regarded as one of the ten greatest public health achievements (1.2 ppm) for the final 4 weeks. It was found that the fluoride-
of the twentieth century [37]. The American Dental free diet resulted in increased numbers of supporting cells and
Association advocates for the use of fluoridated drinking wa- pinealocytes, suggesting growth of the pineal gland. In com-
ter because it benefits developing teeth by incorporating fluo- parison, glands from both groups of fluoride-treated animals
ride into the hydroxyapatite crystals of the tooth enamel, thus showed fewer pinealocytes, suggesting that dietary fluoride
making it harder and more resistant to decay [38]. The US may have a detrimental effect on the pineal gland.
Environmental Protection Agency currently allows drinking
water to be treated with fluoride up to a maximum level of 1.2
parts per million (ppm). However, based on comparisons of Methods
populations exposed to fluoridated water versus non-
fluoridated water, some authors have argued that systemic Animal use adhered to the current Guide for the Care and Use
fluoridation via the water supply does not have an effect on of Laboratory Animals [47] and was approved by the
the prevalence of dental caries [39–41]. Since in adults, fluo- Youngstown State University’s Institutional Animal Care
ride must be applied directly to the surface of the teeth to be and Use Committee (protocol no. 04-16). Animals were
effective in preventing dental caries [38], it has been suggested housed in the Department of Biological Sciences animal fa-
that fluoride-treated drinking water may not bestow an anti- cility and at the end of the study were sacrificed by carbon
caries effect for adults, with fluoridated toothpaste and regular dioxide asphyxiation and decapitation.
dental checkups instead serving as the primary factors contrib-
uting to observed decreased rates of tooth decay. Population
The federally required Material Safety and Data Sheet clas-
sifies fluoride as a mutagen, and studies have suggested that Twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River, Ohio), ini-
dietary fluoride has the potential to cause human health prob- tially 26 months old and weighing an average of 582.75 g,
lems [40]. In support of this, one study found that rats given were used for this study. The animals had previously been
drinking water with moderate levels of fluoride (2 or 10 ppm) used in a behavioral research project unrelated to this study.
resulted in morphological alterations in hippocampal neurons Animals were housed in clear plastic cages (50 cm × 40 cm ×
[42]. After 30 days of treatment, neurons showed decreased 21 cm) with metal cage tops. Each cage had bedding and
cell diameters and exhibited several indicators of cell death, contained three to four animals. The animal facility was on a
including increased cytoplasmic vacuoles, nuclei showing reverse 12-h light-dark schedule, with light periods being
signs of pyknosis or karyolysis, and elevated expression of 10:30 a.m.–10:30 p.m. Animal well being was monitored on
cathepsin D, an intracellular protease. At higher levels (100– a daily basis. Fresh water was supplied daily and ad libitum
200 ppm), fluoridated drinking water can also impair repro- dry rat food was provided weekly. Body weight and food and
ductive functions in male and female rats [43–45]. water consumption were recorded weekly, and no significant
As an anion, fluoride tends to concentrate in calcium- differences were found between the experimental groups in
containing areas such as the pineal gland. Elevated fluoride these measures during the course of the study.
Fluoride-Free Diet Stimulates Pineal Growth in Aged Male Rats

Experimental Groups A minimum of three randomly selected tissue sections

from each pineal gland were used for analysis. Within each
The animals were divided into four groups, consisting of two tissue section, 3–5 separate areas were selected and cell counts
to seven animals per group (Fig. 1). All animals had previous- were done for each of these areas using a calibrated reticle grid
ly been raised on standard rat food (Prolab Isopro RMH 3000, in the eyepiece of an Olympus CX22LED light microscope at
LabDiet, St. Louis Missouri; 16 ppm fluorine) and fluoridated × 400 total magnification. All cells within the grid were count-
tap water (0.9 ppm fluoride; Aqua America, Youngstown ed, but any cell whose nucleus touched the outside border of
Ohio). To determine the effects of this previous fluoride ex- the grid was excluded. Each view was counted twice and
posure, the animals in group 1 were sacrificed at the beginning averaged. The grid was 7656 μm2 in size, and all cell counts
of the experiment (day 0). reported here are expressed as the number of cells per this unit
All other animals were then placed on a fluoride-free diet area.
(fluoride Bflush^) consisting of rat food with 0 ppm fluoride Cells were characterized as pinealocytes or supporting cells
(AIN-76A Rodent Diet; Bio Serv, Fleming NJ, USA) and using cell size, intensity of cytoplasmic staining, and nuclear
Milli-Q filtered water (Laboratory standard type I ultrapure characteristics as distinguishing features [1–6] (Fig. 2).
water; 18.2 MΩ*cm at 25 °C). After 4 weeks of fluoride flush Pinealocytes displayed a single cellular process, a round to
(day 28), animals in group 2 were sacrificed. Animals in group oval cell body, and a characteristically round to ovoid nucleus.
3 also followed the fluoride-free flush for 4 weeks (days 0– Pinealocytes were also categorized as light or dark cells. Light
28), but at the beginning of week 5 (day 29), their drinking cells were more abundant, with a lighter staining cytoplasm
water was changed to water containing 1.2 ppm NaF. and a round or oval nucleus with less dense chromatin and a
Fluoridated water was prepared weekly using NaF powder prominent nucleolus. Dark cells were round, oval, or elongat-
(> 99%, Sigma-Aldrich Corp.) dissolved into Milli-Q filtered ed, with irregularly shaped nuclei containing clusters of con-
water. Group 3 animals were maintained on 1.2 ppm fluori- densed chromatin. All other cells, including glial cells, endo-
dated water and fluoride-free food for the remaining 4 weeks thelial (capillary) cells, and fibroblasts, were collectively clas-
(days 29–56) and then sacrificed at the end of week 8 (day 56). sified as supporting cells.
Animals in group 4 were maintained on the fluoride-free food
and water diet for the entire 8 weeks of the study and were Statistical Analyses
sacrificed at the end of week 8 (day 56).
All data are reported as the mean ± standard deviation (SD).
Morphological Analysis Data that violated homoscedasticity were log-transformed and
Tukey honest significant difference was used for all post hoc
Pineal glands from all animals (groups 1–4) were harvested, tests. The effect of fluoride treatment on dependent measures
and 17 glands were used for morphological measurements. of cell number per unit area was analyzed using a one-way
Glands were fixed overnight in 10% buffered formalin and ANOVA to determine if there were differences based on treat-
then processed for paraffin embedding, sectioning (7 μm), ment. Levene’s test for equality of error variance was signifi-
and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining using standard cant; thus, the data was log10 transformed, but this did not
histological protocols [48]. affect the outcome of analyses.

Fig 1 Experimental design.

Twenty animals were divided into
four treatment groups. At the
onset of the experiment, group 1,
which had been raised with
fluoridated tap water and food,
was sacrificed. Groups 2, 3, and 4
then began a 4-week diet of
fluoride-free food and water.
Group 2 was sacrificed at the end
of week 4. For the final 4 weeks,
group 3 received drinking water
with 1.2 ppm NaF, while group 4
continued the fluoride-free diet.
Groups 3 and 4 were sacrificed at
the end of week 8
Mrvelj and Womble

Fig 2 Light micrographs of

pineal glands, showing
representative examples of light
pinealocytes (circle), dark
pinealocytes (square), and
supporting cells (pentagon). a
Group 1 (baseline control,
previously raised on fluoridate
food and water; sacrificed day 0).
b Group 2 (4 weeks fluoride
flush; sacrificed day 28). c Group
3 (4 weeks fluoride flush then 4
weeks 1.2 ppm fluoride;
sacrificed day 56). d Group 4 (8
weeks fluoride flush; sacrificed
day 56)

Results The total number of cells per unit area significantly in-
creased with time during the fluoride flush (Fig. 3; Table 1).
Effects of Previous Fluoride Diet Both group 2 (40.78 ± 8.88 total cells/unit area, n = 24, p <
0.001; 54% increase) and group 4 (41.13 ± 8.38 total cells/unit
To provide baseline control measurements for the morphology area, n = 50, p < 0.001; 56% increase) had significantly more
of pineal glands, we began by examining glands from control cells compared to group 1. There was no significant difference
animals previously raised on standard rat food (16 ppm fluo- between groups 2 and 4 in total cell numbers per unit area.
ride) and fluoridated tap water (0.9 ppm fluoride) and The increase in total cells (pinealocytes plus supporting
sacrificed at day 0 (group 1). Glands from these animals cells) observed in group 2 after 4 weeks of a fluoride-free flush
(Fig. 2a) had 26.41 ± 4.46 total cells/unit area (n = 24), which was largely due to a significant increase in the number of
included both supporting cells (12.21 ± 3.40 supporting cells/ supporting cells rather than pinealocytes (Fig. 3; Table 1).
unit area, n = 24) and pinealocytes (14.20 ± 3.90 pinealocytes/ Thus, group 2 (23.99 ± 9.18 supporting cells/unit area, n =
unit area, n = 24) (Fig. 3; Table 1). Classification of 24) displayed a 96% increase (p < 0.002) in supporting cells
pinealocytes as either light or dark cells found that these compared to group 1. In contrast, there were no significant
glands had 9.09 ± 2.66 light cells/unit area (n = 24) and 5.11 differences between group 1 and group 2 in the total number
± 1.68 dark cells/unit area (n = 24) (Fig. 4; Table 1). of pinealocytes (group 2: 16.79 ± 4.98 pinealocytes/unit area,
n = 24) or in the number of light pinealocytes (group 2: 10.25
Effects of Fluoride-Free Diet ± 3.14 light cells/unit area, n = 24) (Fig. 4; Table 1). However,
there was a small but significant increase in the number of
We next sought to assess the effects of changing animals dark pinealocytes in group 2 (6.54 ± 2.65 dark cells/unit area,
to a fluoride-free diet (fluoride flush) on the morphology n = 24; p = 0.026; 28% increase) compared to group 1.
of the pineal gland. Since no background information was Pineal glands from animals provided a fluoride-free diet for
found in the scientific literature which described the peri- 8 weeks (group 4) also showed a significant increase in total
od of time necessary to remove fluoride from the pineal, cell numbers compared to group 1 (Fig. 3; Table 1). But, in
flush periods of 4 weeks (group 2) or 8 weeks (group 4) contrast to group 2 (4-week flush) which showed increased
were used (Fig. 2b, d). supporting cell numbers, group 4 (8-week flush) showed no
Fluoride-Free Diet Stimulates Pineal Growth in Aged Male Rats

Fig 3 Fluoride-free diet increases

and fluoride treatment decreases
pineal cell numbers as seen with
changes in the number of total
cells, pinealocytes, and
supporting cells per unit area
between group 1 (baseline
controls), group 2 (4 weeks
fluoride flush), group 3 (4 weeks
fluoride flush then 4 weeks
1.2 ppm fluoride), and group 4 (8
weeks fluoride flush).
*Significant difference from
group 1 (p < 0.05); **significant
difference from group 2 (p <
0.001); ***significant difference
from group 3 (p < 0.001)

difference in supporting cell number (16.44 ± 5.23 supporting Together, our observations of pineal glands obtained from
cells/unit area, n = 50) compared to group 1. Thus, supporting animals provided a fluoride-free diet indicates that a 4-week
cell density (cells per unit area) declined during the additional fluoride flush initially encouraged the proliferation of
4 weeks of fluoride-free flush. supporting cells, but an additional 4 weeks of flush allowed
The increase in total cell numbers observed after 8 weeks of for the subsequent preferential proliferation of pinealocytes,
flush was instead due to a significant increase in the number of thus decreasing (Bdiluting^) the density of supporting cells
pinealocytes per unit area (Fig. 3; Table 1). Thus, total observed per unit area. These findings suggest that removal
pinealocytes for group 4 (24.69 ± 8.60 pinealocytes/unit area, of dietary fluoride promotes growth of the pineal gland in
n = 50) showed a 73% increase compared to group 1 (p < elderly animals.
0.001) and a 47% increase compared to group 2 (p < 0.001)
(Fig. 3). Similarly, glands from group 4 had significantly larg- Effects of Fluoride
er numbers of light pinealocytes (15.15 ± 6.00 light cells/unit
area, n = 50) and dark pinealocytes (9.54 ± 4.17 dark cells/unit As a final test for the effects of fluoride on pineal gland mor-
area, n = 50) compared to both group 1 (light cells/unit area, p phology, animals in group 3 were initially placed on a
= 0.006; dark cells/unit area, p < 0.001) and group 2 (light fluoride-free diet for 4 weeks, but then for the final 4 weeks
cells/unit area, p < 0.001; dark cells/unit area, p = 0.001) (Fig. were switched to fluoridated drinking water containing
4; Table 1). Thus, pineal glands from group 4 had 67% and 1.2 ppm NaF, the maximum fluoride concentration allowed
87% more light and dark cells respectively than found in by the EPA in U.S. drinking water (Fig. 2c).
group 1 control glands. It therefore appears that an 8-week After 4 weeks of fluoride treatment, total cell numbers for
fluoride-free flush encouraged the proliferation of both light group 3 animals (29.87 ± 7.10 cells/unit area, n = 49) were
and dark pinealocytes. not different from group 1 animals previously raised with

Table 1 Summary of experimental findings. All measurements are the number of cells per unit area (mean ± SD)

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Total cells 26.41 ± 4.46 (n = 24) 40.78 ± 8.88a,c (n = 24) 29.87 ± 7.10 (n = 49) 41.13 ± 8.38a,c (n = 50)
Pinealocytes 14.20 ± 3.90 (n = 24) 16.79 ± 4.98 (n = 24) 14.60 ± 5.58 (n = 49) 24.69 ± 8.60a,b,c (n = 50)
Supporting cells 12.21 ± 3.40 (n = 24) 23.99 ± 9.18a,c (n = 24) 15.27 ± 6.39 (n = 49) 16.44 ± 5.23b (n = 50)
Light pinealocytes 9.09 ± 2.66 (n = 24) 10.25 ± 3.14 (n = 24) 9.59 ± 3.75 (n = 49) 15.15 ± 6.00a.b.c (n = 50)
Dark pinealocytes 5.11 ± 1.68 (n = 24) 6.54 ± 2.65a,c (n = 24) 5.02 ± 3.06 (n = 49) 9.54 ± 4.17a,b,c (n = 50)
Significantly different from group 1
Significantly different from group 2
Significantly different from group 3
Mrvelj and Womble

Fig 4 Fluoride-free diet increases

and fluoride treatment decreases
pinealocyte numbers. Changes in
the number of total pinealocytes,
light pinealocytes, and dark
pinealocytes per unit area
between group 1 (baseline
controls), group 2 (4 weeks
fluoride flush), group 3 (4 weeks
fluoride flush then 4 weeks
1.2 ppm fluoride), and group 4 (8
weeks fluoride flush).
*Significant difference from
group 1 (p < 0.05); **significant
difference from group 2 (p <
0.01); ***significant difference
from group 3 (p < 0.001)

fluoridated food and tap water (Fig. 3; Table 1). Compared to This growth initially involves an increase in supporting cell
group 1, the pineal glands from group 3 also showed no numbers, followed by subsequent increases in the numbers of
significant differences in the numbers of pinealocytes both light and dark pinealocytes.
(14.60 ± 5.58 pinealocytes/unit area, n = 49), light or dark
pinealocytes (9.59 ± 3.75 light cells/unit area, n = 49; 5.02 ±
3.06 dark cells/unit area, n = 49), or supporting cells (15.27
± 6.39 supporting cells/unit area, n = 49) (Fig. 4; Table 1). Discussion
Thus, the increases in total cell, supporting cell, and dark cell
numbers observed in group 2 (after 4 weeks of fluoride Previous research has found significantly higher concentra-
flush) were completely reversed by an additional 4-week tions of fluoride within the elderly human pineal gland com-
treatment with fluoridated drinking water (group 3). pared to muscle, bone, or brain tissue [25, 30]. Electron-probe
Not surprisingly, when compared to group 4 (8-week microscopy has shown high concentrations of calcium within
flush), glands from group 3 showed significantly fewer total the mitochondria and dense vacuoles of pinealocytes [22, 24],
cells (p < 0.001) (Fig. 3; Table 1). Since there was no signif- and a correlation between fluoride levels and calcium concen-
icant difference between these groups in the number of trations in pinealocytes has been found [25, 30]. This suggests
supporting cells per unit area (Fig. 3; Table 1), the difference that fluoride preferentially accumulates within the pineal
in total cell numbers was due to a significantly lower density where it may be attracted by calcium. The pineal also exhibits
of pinealocytes for group 3 (p < 0.001; 41% fewer). This intracellular and extracellular calcium phosphate deposits
difference in pinealocytes resulted from lowered numbers of known as acervuli [29], which are thought to initially begin
both light and dark pinealocytes per unit area (Fig. 4; Table 1), as intracellular vacuoles containing high calcium ion concen-
with group 3 showing significant decreases in light cells (p < trations that grow until the cell disintegrates, thereby releasing
0.001; 37% fewer) and dark cells (p < 0.001; 47% fewer) the calcium concrements into the extracellular space [24, 26,
compared to group 4. 27]. Studies in rats and humans have shown that the degree of
Despite these differences in pinealocyte numbers, it was pineal gland calcification and acervuli volume increases with
found that light cells were more abundant than dark cells in age [1, 15, 25, 27, 29–32], and these changes correlate with
glands obtained from both fluoride-treated animals (group 3) decreased levels of MEL measured in the saliva, urine, or
and fluoride-free animals (group 4), which agrees with earlier blood [17–20, 29]. Thus, there appears to be correlations be-
reports of light and dark pinealocyte numbers and ratios [1, 2, tween increasing age, the degree of pineal calcification, fluo-
5, 6]. Thus, there was no difference in the ratio of light to dark ride levels, and decreased MEL production.
pinealocytes between group 3 (2.25±1.49 light/dark The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of
pinealocyte) and group 4 (1.83 ± 0.99 light/dark pinealocyte), a fluoride-free diet on the cellular morphology of the pineal
suggesting that the proliferation of pinealocytes observed after gland in aged (26-month-old) male rats. Animals previously
8 weeks of a fluoride-free diet involved both types of raised on standard fluoride-containing rat food and fluoridated
pinealocytes approximately equally. tap water served as controls. In an attempt to remove previ-
In sum, our findings suggest that the removal of dietary ously accumulated fluoride, animals were provided with
fluoride promotes growth of the pineal gland in aged rats. fluoride-free food and water for 4 or 8 weeks (fluoride flush).
Fluoride-Free Diet Stimulates Pineal Growth in Aged Male Rats

Our findings demonstrated that 4 weeks of fluoride-free To test the effects of dietary fluoride, additional animals
flush lead to an increase in interstitial supporting cell density were placed on a fluoride-free diet for 4 weeks and then given
(number of cells per unit area), while 8 weeks of flush resulted drinking water containing 1.2 ppm NaF for the last 4 weeks.
an increased density of both light and dark pinealocytes. The change to fluoridated water completely reversed the pos-
Although gland weights were not recorded, the initial increase tulated growth of the pineal gland induced by the fluoride-free
in supporting cells and later increase in pinealocyte numbers flush, with both supporting cell and pinealocyte numbers
suggest growth of the gland. A possible explanation for the returning to baseline levels. These effects of fluoride treatment
early increase in supporting cells may be growth of capillaries are similar to the decline in pinealocytes seen with aging [1,
as the pineal began to enlarge. Since pineal secretory activity 16], disruptions to normal sleep patterns [51], or prolonged
is directly proportional to parenchymal volume and constant illumination [28].
pinealocyte density [11–14], the later increase in pinealocyte Dietary fluoride may have the potential to cause adverse
numbers suggests that longer-term fluoride-flush animals human health problems [40]. Previous animal studies have
would show a corresponding increase in MEL secretion. found that dietary fluoride can induce oxidative stress and cell
Enlargement of the pineal in the aged animals used in this death within the brain and other organs. Rats administered
study is an unusual finding, as previous researchers have re- moderate levels of fluoride in their drinking water (2 or
ported declines in MEL production [17–20], pineal size [15], 10 ppm NaF) showed neuronal losses within the hippocam-
and pinealocyte numbers [16, 21–23] with increasing age. pus, with remaining neurons exhibiting shrunken cell bodies,
One possible explanation for these reported declines is that reduced nuclear diameters, and increased levels of cathepsin
the human and animal pineal glands assayed in these previous D, an intracellular protease that serves as a marker of cell
reports were regularly exposed to dietary fluoride. death [42]. Similarly, brain, heart, liver, and kidney tissues
The number of supporting cells per unit area was found to of rats given drinking water with 150 ppm NaF showed in-
be elevated after 4 weeks of flush but by 8 weeks, this number creased levels of malondialdehyde and elevated activities of
had returned to the control level. Paradoxically, this observa- the antioxidant enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glu-
tion provides additional evidence for our conclusion that the tathione reductase, and superoxide dismutase, all of which are
fluoride flush promoted pineal growth. Since our observations indicators of oxidative stress [52, 53].
are reported as cellular density (the number of cells per unit Additional studies have found deleterious effects of fluo-
area), the decrease in supporting cells between 4 and 8 weeks ride on reproductive functioning. Male gerbils administered a
does not necessarily indicate a loss of cells. Instead, this high-fluoride diet (37 mg F/kg) showed significantly de-
change is likely due to a stable population of supporting cells creased MEL production prior to puberty and decreased testis
during the last 4 weeks combined with a concurrent increase weight after puberty [30]. In female gerbils, the high-fluoride
in pinealocytes. As the population of pinealocytes expanded, diet did not decrease MEL production prior to puberty but it
the surrounding supporting tissue occupied less space within was associated with a significant acceleration of puberty on-
the gland, thereby decreasing the number of supporting cells set. These findings suggest adverse effects by fluoride prior to
observed per unit area. The increase in pinealocytes thus and during puberty. Similarly, rats given drinking water with
Bdiluted out^ supporting cell density. high levels of fluoride (100–200 ppm) showed impaired sper-
The source of these new pinealocytes is unknown, but low matogenesis in males and decreased reproductive hormone
levels of mitotic activity have been observed in the adult pi- levels and fertility in females [43–45].
neal [49, 50]. A recent study examining the pineal expression Our study found that an 8-week fluoride-free flush resulted
of Pax 6, a homeobox transcription factor that is essential for in an increased density of pinealocytes in the glands of elderly
pineal gland formation, found that Pax6-positive cells differ- rats (starting age 26 months). Since studies have reported
entiated into both pinealocytes and astroglial supporting cells losses of pinealocytes with increasing age [16, 21, 22], our
[10]. Pax6-positive cells had the same morphological features finding that removal of dietary fluoride can stimulate an in-
as previously described type II pinealocytes (dark cells) and crease in pinealocyte numbers raises the possibility that the
were found dispersed throughout the gland in mature rats. previously reported age-related loss of pinealocytes may not
This raises the interesting possibility that the small but signif- be directly due to increasing age but instead could have result-
icant increase in dark pinealocytes observed following 4 ed from the life-long consumption of fluoridated food and
weeks of fluoride-free flush represents an expansion of the water. Our results therefore suggest that fluoride may have
Pax6 precursor cell population, which subsequently gives rise detrimental effects on the pineal gland, and these effects can
to new supporting cells and pinealocytes. Since degenerating be reversed by the removal of dietary fluoride.
or dying dark cells have been observed in the aged pineal This study did not measure circulating MEL levels, but the
gland [1, 21–23], our findings suggest that the removal of finding of pineal growth after removal of dietary fluoride sug-
dietary fluoride may stimulate the growth and differentiation gests the possibility of elevated MEL secretion [11–14].
of Pax6-positive cells. Pineal calcification was also not examined. Since elevated
Mrvelj and Womble

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15. Singh R, Ghosh S, Joshi A, Haldar C (2014) Human pineal gland:
histomorphological study in different age groups and different
Compliance with Ethical Standards causes of death. J Anat Soc India 63:98–102.
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conflict of interest associated with this manuscript. 0531-5565(90)90049-8
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