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1. What are the attributes of human act?


*The majority of moralists concur that three factors—from which each act obtains its morality—must be
considered in order to assess whether a given human action is good or harmful. They are the purpose or
intention of the act, the object of the act, and the circumstances that surround the act.

2. What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic evil.


*When an action's wrongness is a fundamental aspect of those actions, it is said to be fundamentally

wicked. Stealing is always wrong since it involves taking someone else's property against their will. The
act of giving charity is an example of an extrinsically bad deed because its wrongness is caused by an
external force.

3. Give an example of conditionally voluntary act.


*If a man holds a gun to your son's head and orders you to shoot your sister, you are engaging in a
conditionally voluntary act. If not, the man will shoot your kid. In a conditionally voluntary act, you have
an option.

4.Give an example of perfectly voluntary act


*Conduct that is carried out consciously is referred to as a voluntary act. For instance, you wouldn't be
charged with unlawful damage if you were carrying your mother's favorite china and your brother
startled you as you entered the dining room, causing you to drop the china.

5. Give an example of an imperfectly voluntary act.


*A voluntary action is flawless if it results from a complete willful intention; it is imperfect if it is

performed out of repugnance or without complete understanding of what is being done. It is direct if it
is truly brought about by the will; it is indirect if it results from the failure to take a certain action.

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