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Biology Terms

Autogamy- self-pollination (same flower)
Geitonogamy- self-pollination (same plant, different flower)
Allogamy- cross pollination (same species)
Bisexual/hermaphrodite flower- both male and female parts
Homogamy- anther and stigma of a flower must mature at the same time.
Unisexuality- Flowers may be either male of female
Dichogamy- Different timings of maturation of androecium and gynoecium
~ Protandry- anther mature before stigma
~ Protogyny- stigma mature before anther
Self-sterility- when pollination fails after the stigma receives pollen from same
flower. Only the pollen of another flower can complete the process.
Herkogamy- barrier that prevents a flower from self-pollination
Heterostyly- stigma and anther grow on different heights
Entomophilous- Insect pollinated
Anemophilous- Wind pollinated
Hydrophilous- Water pollinated
Ornithophily- Bird Pollination Elephophily- Elephant Pollination
Emasculation- removing anthers from young flowers

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