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1. It is the German word of “to stretch” or “to drag.

- Damson
2. Why did the Egyptian choose Virgin dancers to perform their ancient/ritual dances?
- Because the dance is sacred and they want pure women to perform the dance.
3. It is the person that led sacred devotional dances around the altars during feast days and Sundays.
- Bishop
4. It is an example of Pantomime and Mimetic performance.
- Lesther acts as if he is shouting but no voice is coming out
5. Ballet considered the backbone of all dances.
- Because Ballet is the basic foundation for most forms of dance & It translates to values that can
be used to pursue other forms of dance.
6. He is known as the king of pop.
- Michael Jackson
7. It is a Latin dance derived from the mambo and the swing?
8. What year when female dancers appeared in a ballet performance?
- 16th Century
9. It is the godfather/grandfather of Latin Dances?
- Rumba
10. It is the classical ballet movement that consist a series of rapid, traveling turns on demi-pointe, staying in
first positions.
- Chains
11. It is a ballet position in which a dancer will keep both feet flat on the floor at all times.
- Plie
12. How would you perform Releeve?
- This can be done on one foot or both feet together and keeping the knees straight and lift the
heels high enough
13. Can a modern ballet dance movement called Jete or thrown be executed in various direction?
- Yes
14. What body position wherein the dancers’ balances on the balls of the feet, keep straight back and head,
and sends the knees forward as the torso tilts back and the arms are held straight out in front?
- Hinge
15. It is a dance style rejects many of the strict rules of classical ballet, focusing instead on the expression of
inner feelings.
- Modern Dance
16. It is modern movement of ballet consists of rocking step where the weight shifts from one foot to the
- Balance
17. Ballroom dancing is describe as?
- Formal dancing for couples
18. Standard dances of ballroom is describe as;
- Smooth
19.It is elegant standard dance whose objective is to travel smoothly around the dance.
- Waltz
20.Latin dances can be distinguish as?
- These dances do not stay in one place and it is an energetic dances.
21. It describes Cha-cha-cha?
- Flirtatious, Energetic, & Passionate
22. What Latin dance, originated from Brazil during 19th Century?
- Samba
23. It is the basic steps of Samba.
- Quick, quick, slow, repeat
24. It is a Latin dance whose figure is popular in basic Cha-cha-cha
- Cuba
25. It is a trendy and sporty dance requires body isolation and wave movements.
- Popping
26. It is a soulful, competitive street dance using rhythms of soul and funk music.
- Up rock
27. Who was the founder of Vogue?
- Gay Community
28. How do you define cheerdance?
- Cheer dance is a physical activity with a combination of different dance genre and gymnastics skills
such as tumbling, pyramids, tosses, and stunts and it is a physical activity where one expresses
emotions or gestures while performing bodily movement usually in Time with rhythm.
29. It is how you perform the basic motion of cheerdance “Dagger”.
I. Extend the arms up in a V position. Arms should be a little more forward.
II. Elbows should be locked and your wrist should be aligned with your arms.
III. Hands should be in fist and you should see them from the corners of your eyes.
30. It does not belong to the group of cheerdance motion and movements.
- Herkie
31. It is the basic tumbling of cheerdance
- Cartwheel
32. What basic hand motion in cheerdance can we make with these steps?
I. Extend your arms side wards and form T.
II. Bring arms in so you can see them from the corners of your eyes.
III. Form fists with no fingers out.
- Broken T
33. What is meant by “Dancing is considered as the mirror of society”?
- It responds to historical and religious events &It justifies the social and political aspect.
34. When does Chubby Checker accidentally did to discover twist in early 1960’s?
- While he was drying himself after taking a shower

35. It is considered as the cultural link between Egypt and Greece.

- Cretan Civilization
36. Who is considered as the spearhead of tribe and is said to possess magical powers?
- Shaman
37. All are characteristics of Samba;
- Samba bounce action,Carefree movement from knees and ankles & Effortless
38. What is the origin of psychedelic dance?
- During the widespread use of psychedelic drugs in 1967 at Haight Ashbury, San Francisco.

39. It is an up-and-down, rise-and-fall swinging motion performed at a fast pace.

- Quick step
40. It is a type of ballroom dance that serves as the forerunner of the American Square Dance.
- Cotillon

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