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SYNOPSIS : Long ago, there lived a poor fisherman with his wife in a small house. He was a hardworking man. One day, he was sad because he could not catch many fish. So,he stopped going out to sea and he wanted to fish near the seashore. The next day, they went to the town to buy a new fishing net. The next morning, the fisherman went to fish near the seashore. When he pulled out his net, he only found leaves and rubbish. He tried so many times but he still did not catch any fish. There was no money to buy food and so they had nothing to eat. He did not want to give up. The next day, he tried to fish in the river. The river was far from his house. Then he started to fish. He pulled the net slowly. The net was very heavy. He was sure he had caught many fish. But he was very surprised when he saw something black in the net. He was scared and started to run away. Suddenly, he heard a very loud voice. The voice called for his release and wanted to be a friend to the fisherman. He stopped running and walked slowly to the black thing. That is a water cow. He live in the river for a many years. The water cow asked the fisherman about his wish because the fisherman had released him. The fisherman storied about their poverty. The water cow has given a basket of precious stones as a reward for helping him. The fisherman smiled. He thanked the water cow. If the fishermen want the precious stone again, he need only come to the river before sun rises and he needs to bring some fruits. The fisherman went to a shop and sold the precious stones. Now, he can buy a variety of foods. After three days, the fisherman went to get precious stones again. He has sold the precious stones in the town. The jeweller was suprised and wanted to know how the fisherman got them. The honest fisherman told the whole story but the jeweller could not believe what the fishermen say. He accused the fishermen had stolen jewels from

the palace. The jeweler was arrested and brought him to the king. The king ask the queen if she had lost any of jewellery. The queen said no. So, the fisherman was allowed to go back home. Finally, the fisherman got a lot of money and became very rich. He gave some money to the village mosque and helped many poor people too. Everybody liked the fisherman. He became a very famous person but the jeweller, who tried to cheat the fisherman bacame very poor. He learned that it was not good to be greedy and wicked. Everybody must be honest so that they will all live a happy life. I choose this story because it is very interested story. Although this is a fairy tale, but it is full of lessons and value. It can be used as a guide in our life. At the first time when i read this story, I think this story is very easy to understand. This story tells us that we must work hard and do not give up easily. We also must be diligent to help people who are in trouble and do not have greed and envy to others.



Through this course work I can improve my understanding in reading and writing in English. indirectly it will improve my vocabulary. It also make me realize that English is not very difficult subject. But it requires confidence and we should not be ashamed to speak English. When first received this assignment, I was worried because it has to be completed within two weeks. But I am grateful to have partners in my group who helped in completing this task. We have divided this task into two parts because of our location is so far and difficult for us to meet. However, we keep in touch through electronic media such as mobile phones and the internet I began this task by finding some items such as story books and magazines at the school library. After I got the right item, I started to read and understand the whole story. After that, I find the contents of the material in the story that has been selected and begin to make the synopsis. I also refer to each other friends and my lecturer Mr. Muralitharan to further strengthen the assignments given and hopefully what I do is in line with the requirements of the question.. The last process is to review the results that were completed in spelling, etc. With the cooperation of many parties, so I could complete this task successfully. Thanks for all.

Prepared by ;

........................................................ (SITI NAZRINA BT. NAAN) 830830-01-5934

Melalui kerja kursus ini saya dapat memahami tentang permainan-permainan kecil (invasion game) untuk murid-murid. Secara tidak langsung ianya dapat mengajar saya dengan lebih mendalam serta terperinci mengenai tentang pergerakan asas ini. Kami juga dapat berfikir dengan lebih kreatif dan kritis selepas menyiapkan kerja kursus ini. Saya mencari maklumat yang berkaitan di dalam internet, selain itu saya juga tidak lupa untuk membuat rujukan di perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan maklumat dengan lebih lanjut. Saya juga bersyukur kerana mempunyai rakan sekelas yang begitu memahami serta banyak membantu dengan menyumbangkan idea dan sokongan kepada kami. Saya juga tidak segan untuk berjumpa dengan pensyarah pembimbing saya iaitu Encik Yazid bin Deraman I also do not hesitate to meet with my mentor lecturer, Mr. Yazid bin Deraman untuk mendapatkan maklumat dengan lebih lanjut dan berbincang mengenai tugasan ini to find out more and talk about this assignment agar apa yang saya hasilkan nanti bertepatan dengan kehendak soalan. Setelah semua maklumat dipecahkan kepada bahagian-bahagian tertentu, saya membuat kerja dengan begitu tekun dan sabar. Saya saling merujuk antara satu sama lain untuk memantapkan lagi kerja kursus saya ini. Dengan kerjasama pelbagai pihak, akhirnya siaplah kerja kursus ini dengan jayanya.

Akhir sekali, proses terakhir ialah menyemak semua hasil yang disiapkan dengan teliti sebelum membukukan kerja kursus saya ini. Saya begitu berpuas hati dengan hasil ini

kerana berjaya menyiapkannya dengan lengkap dan tepat pada masanya. Saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung mahupun tidak dalam proses menyiapkan kerja kursus saya ini. Semoga dengan bantuan anda-anda semua diberkati oleh Tuhan yang maha esa. Sekian, terima kasih.

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