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The Legislative Branch

Monitoring Your Elected Representatives

Your Name _________haylee curcio_________

1. Choose a topic that interests you. It could be anything from health care to online privacy.

Your Chosen Topic: _health care _

2. Find a bill that has been introduced or a law passed within the current or most recent session of
Congress. It must be from within the past year. Use the keyword or topic search on a legislative
tracking site such as:

URL address for your chosen bill:

3. Use the bill or law you researched to answer all the following questions:

o What is the name of the bill or law?

Protecting Service Members and Military Families' Access to Reproductive Care Act of

o Which part of Congress did the bill originate from?

This bill originates from the 118th Congress of 2023 - 2024 this bill originates from the
118th Congress of 2023 through 2024.

o What is the purpose of the bill or law?

The purpose of this bill was so that there is a statutory authority for DOD( department of
defense policy that will grant an administrative absence requested by an armed force
member, so that they can go or go with a spouse/dependent to receive non-covered
reproductive health care.

o What step(s) of the lawmaking process did the bill go through?

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There has been only one step in this bill, which was an introduction, so it still needs to
be passed through the Senate, house,and the president, so that way it can become a

o Which committee(s), if any, were assigned to study the bill? If none were assigned, why
do you think that was the case?
The arm services committee was assigned to study this bill.

4. Reflect on the information you found. Write a complete paragraph explaining whether you
support the bill or the law. Include at least two reasons to explain your position.

After reading this spell, I can say that I do agree with it. One reason being that these on the first member
shouldn’t have been given any trouble to begin with one trying to take an administration absence when
trying to go or to go with a partner to get noncovered reproductive health care. Another reason would
have to be that you can not only take the leave to get non-covered reproductive healthcare. They will
also give you an allowance for the travel cost of you and or your partner/dependent. They were also
given a minimum of 21 days of that leave. So this is why I agree with this bill.

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FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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