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AI Perspectives

1. You Can Have the Blue Pill or the Red Pill, and We’re Out of Blue Pills - NY Times or
You Can Have the Blue Pill or the Red Pill, and We’re Out of Blue Pills

2. Artificial Intelligence for Good: How AI is Helping Humanity - Forbes


3. Human Beings are Mortal. AI isn’t. That Matters by Ian Brown - Globe and Mail

4. The Matrix Made Me Think About How Stupid AI is Making Us - The Guardian

5. Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial intelligence could end mankind

In Your Table Groups…

1. Read one article each.

2. Highlight 2 or 3 significant quotes that develop the author’s thesis.

3. Provide a summary of the article to the rest of your group. Share the quotations.

4. Discuss the similarities and differences in perspective of each article.

5. Consider: To what extent do personal credentials/circumstances impact the

reception of an opinion. Refer to the authors and contributors of the articles above
for your answer.

6. Consider: How can we differentiate between change and progress? Do either of

these articles give a good explanation of this in regards to this technology?
7. Finally, as a group consider how this information contributes to your key question
(the one you signed up for with the social dilemma). Collect some notes and keep
them with your notes from The Social Dilemma.

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