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My research question is "What are the negative effects of social media?

" Social media

is a platform for the public around the world to discuss their issues and opinions. Before
knowing the actual aspects of social media people must have to know what does social
media mean? Social media is a term used to describe the interaction between groups or
individuals in which they produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas, images,
videos, and many more over the internet and in virtual communities. New generations
are growing up surrounded by mobile devices and interactive social networking sites
such as Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. To answer this research question, I will talk
about the different negative aspects of its usage. It is known that it increased
depression, suicide, and anxiety among teenagers. It is addicting because the algorithm
recommends the user similar posts so it increases the user's engagement time. Another
one is spreading fake news that fake news spreads six times faster than genuine news.
Social media makes us feel lonely, such as Instagram posts show the user how the
people are happy, making the user feel alone. Social media promotes conspiracy
theories such as pizza gate that are completely false, which leads a group of people to
commit hate crimes and plan rallies. Social media makes us hate the other opinion and
not wanting to listen to an opposing claim like in the dividedness between the
democratic and republican parties.
Introduction: I will introduce my question "What are the negative effects of social media
on society?"
present the key arguments with sources :
● Inadequacy about your life or appearance.
● Fear of missing out (FOMO)
● Isolation.
● Depression and anxiety.
● Dividedness
● Fake news
● Addiction
Provide a synthesis of key points.

name __________________
Writer Review Form
Please attach copies of this sheet to all copies of your own paper. Please answer as
specifically as possible.

1. Who is your intended audience? Be specific.

2. What are you trying to do in this paper (what is your purpose)?

3. What is the central conclusion or thesis of the paper, and where is it stated?

4. What type of reasoning and evidence do you use to support this thesis? Do you feel you
have made a convincing case?

5. How have you organized your paper (topically, chronologically, etc.)? You may include
a brief outline if you like.

6. What do you like best about the paper? What are its strengths?

7. What are the paper’s greatest weaknesses? What changes would you want to make in
another draft?

8. What specific questions do you have for your readers?

1. Title Page
2. Abstract (note: this is not the same as your précis, which described the paper
you intended to write. You should write a new abstract here for the paper you
actually wrote.)
3. Thesis Body
4. Works Cited
5. Appendix One
1. Writer Review Form
2. Peer Review Form, One
3. Peer Review Form, Two
4. Writer Review Revision From
6. Appendix Two
1. Fascinations Report
2. Annotated Bibliography
3. Thesis Précis and Timeline

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