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White Paper How to Test Mass Comparators

High Accuracy Weighing Instruments

Table of Content
1. Introduction 2
2. What is a Mass Comparator — Definition 2
3. Types of Mass Comparators 2
3.1. Manual Mass Comparators 2
3.1.1 Full Range Mass Comparators 2
3.1.2 Delta Range Mass Comparators 3
3.1.3 Window Range Mass Comparators 3
3.2. Automatic Mass Comparators with Handler 4
3.3. Robotic Mass Comparators 4
4. How are Mass Comparators Tested and Certified? 5
4.1. Weight Calibration (Mass Comparator used as such) 5
4.2. Differential Weighing by Using a Reference (Mass Comparator used as such,
or as Higher Performance Balance) 5
4.3 Absolute Weighing / Normal Weighing (Mass Comparator used as Higher
Performance Balance) 5
5. Testing Parameters for Mass Comparators 7
5.1. Repeatability — Absolute and ABA Drift Compensated 7
5.2. Eccentricity 8
5.3. Linearity (Non-linearity) 8
5.4. Sensitivity 9
6. Calibration of a Mass Comparator 10
7. The Mass Comparator Certificate 10
8. Necessity of Maintenance and Certification 16
8.1. Compliance and Traceability 16
8.2. Performance 17
8.3. Investment Protection 17
8.4. Process Efficiency 17
9. Summary and Conclusions 17
1. Introduction
The most common application for mass comparators is weight calibration. However, these instruments are also
often used as higher performance balances for other applications such as formulation, scuffing, differential
White Paper

weighing, gas bottle filling, etc.

The question arises, how are mass comparators tested and certified?
This White Paper describes when and which methods apply for the testing and certification of mass

2. What is a Mass Comparator – Definition

A mass comparator is a balance with best possible resolution, readability and repeatability which allows the
determination of smallest differences in mass. While window range mass comparators are mainly used for the
calibration of weights and mass determination, full range mass comparators are versatile. They can be used
for general weighing applications where small and valuable samples are measured against large tare loads or
where large and small amounts get combined as part of a formulation process.

3. Types of Mass Comparators

3.1 Manual Mass Comparators

3.1.1 Full Range Mass Comparators

Full range mass comparators have one electrical weighing range from zero to maximum capacity. Full range
mass comparators always display the same readability, regardless of the load placed. When tare or zero is
pressed at any point within the weighing range, the readability remains the same. Just as with a balance, full
range mass comparators display absolute weight values over the entire weighing range. These are typically used
for the weight calibration, differential and general weighing applications.


Capacity: 6.1 g Capacity: 2.1 kg Capacity: 150 kg
with LevelMatic®


3.1.2 Delta Range Mass Comparators

Delta range mass comparators have two electrical weighing ranges, a coarse and a fine range. The fine range is
smaller than coarse range and it is movable over the whole coarse range. The fine range usually has a ten times
better readability than the coarse range. The fine range of delta range mass comparators can be moved within
the coarse range by taring or zeroing the balance (see figure). Pressing tare or zero on the mass comparator
starts the fine range at the new zero/tare position.
Delta range mass comparators can display absolute weight values within both electrical weighing ranges. These
are typically used for the weight calibration, differential — and general weighing applications.

Weighing range (max. load)

Coarse range

Fine range

3.1.3 Window Range Mass Comparators

Window range mass comparators are equipped with a counter weight which is in equilibrium with the maximum
load capacity of the comparator and therefore have a limited electrical weighing range. If smaller weights have
to be measured, dial weights 1) have to be switched allowing measurements from zero to maximum load. The
sum of the weight placed on the weighing pan plus dial weights in use must be equal to the nominal load of
the comparator (see figure). In order to make best use of the available weighing capability, the limited electrical
weighing range is used to measure differences at the highest possible resolution. Window range mass compara-
tors keep the same readability in the display within this electrical weighing range, regardless of the load placed.
Window range mass comparators do not show the loaded mass value. They can only display absolute weighed
values within the electrical weighing range, as they are mainly used to show differences of near equal weights
and therefore mainly used for weight calibration or differential weighing applications.

3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 2 1
Weighing range (max. load)

3 3 3
2 1
1 Dial weights (substitution weighs)

Electrical weighing range

Applied load

(1) Dial weights are used for compensation of the weight force in mass comparison or as tare preload in mass comparators [1]


White Paper

AX106 AX12004
Capacity: 100 g Capacity: 12 kg
Electrical weighing range: 11 g Electrical weighing range: 109 g

3.2 Automatic Mass Comparators with Handler

An automatic mass comparator is able to execute the weight calibration process automatically based on a
programmed weighing scheme. A turntable holds the reference and test weights. The weight handler rotates to its
programmed position and deploys the weight slowly onto the hanging or LevelMatic® weighing pan.
The weighing pan centers the weights accurately to its center of gravity which eliminates eccentricity error. As
these comparators can run automatically, no human interaction is required, resulting in highly–accurate weig-
hing results. Automatic Mass Comparators are mainly used for high accuracy weight calibration with smallest

Capacity: 1000 g
Electrical weighing range: 11 g

3.3 Robotic Mass Comparators

A robotic mass comparator is able to execute the weight calibration process automatically based on a program-
med weighing scheme. The reference and test weight will be taken from a magazine (which can accommodate
up to 100 weights) by the robotic arm and deployed on the weighing pan of the mass comparator. An entire
weight set with different nominal values can be calibrated without human interaction.
Robotic mass comparators are mainly used for high accuracy weight calibration and can handle a large number
of weights.

Capacity: 6.1 g
4. How are Mass Comparators Tested and Certified?
Besides the weight calibration application, mass comparators are also used in other industries where the
performance of a standard balance cannot achieve the required weighing accuracy. For these applications, the
comparators are referred to as Higher Performance Balances.

Mass comparators should be tested and certified according to the given application:

4.1 Weight Calibration (Mass Comparator used as such)

The primary application for mass comparators is weight calibration.

National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), governmental and private calibration labs, as well as weight producers
strive for measurements with smallest uncertainties for the calibration of high accuracy class OIML and ASTM
When weights are calibrated, a reference weight „A“ of known mass (also called mass standard) is compared
against an unknown mass „B“ (also called test weight).
Due to the high readability of the mass comparator, the displayed value drifts over time, even if environmental
conditions are stable. The ABA or ABBA method recommended by the OIML [1] is applied; which mathematically
eliminates the drift of the mass comparator. Therefore, the ABA method also applies when a mass comparator is
tested for repeatability. As the reference and test weights are very similar in mass, the linearity and sensitivity
influences are insignificant. Hence they can be ignored and a sensitivity and linearity test is not needed.
Testing of the eccentricity error of comparators with a hanging weighing pan or a LevelMatic® is not required, as
these features support the elimination of such error. However, comparators with a grid, solid, square or round
weighing pan have to be tested for eccentricity error. The applied certification is established with the Mass
Comparator Certificate (see chapter 7)

4.2 Differential Weighing by Using a Reference (Mass Comparator used as such,

or as Higher Performance Balance)

The differential method is used when a reference object, sample or substance is compared against a test object,
sample or substance.
If the reference mass and test mass are within 1% of each other‘s nominal mass, the mass comparator can be
tested for repeatability with the ABA method. As with the weight calibration process, the testing of linearity and
sensitivity error is not required, as the samples compared are very similar in mass. The applied certification is
established with the Mass Comparator Certificate.
If the mass difference is larger than 1% of their nominal mass, the calibration for linearity and sensitivity is
applied. It is therefore recommended to issue a calibration certificate such as the Accuracy Calibration Certificate
ACC (detailed information on balance calibration can be found under here).
Some of these industrial applications are: gas filling, scientific research - smallest changes in mass or force,
filter weighing, etc.

4.3 Absolute Weighing / Normal Weighing (Mass Comparator used as Higher

Performance Balance)

If a mass comparator is used as a Higher Performance Balance, meaning the absolute weighing method is
applied, the testing of repeatability is carried out identically to a normal balance. It is therefore recommended to
issue a calibration certificate. However, linearity, eccentricity and sensitivity are tested against the manufacturer‘s
specifications always with the drift compensated method. If the mass comparator is equipped with a hanging
weighing pan or a LevelMatic®, the testing of eccentricity can be neglected.
Some of these industrial applications are: Formulation, Scuffing, Emission testing — Filter weighing, Non-Volatile
Residue (NVR), Micro Force measurements, etc.
Absolute Weighing Differential Weighing Weight Calibration
White Paper

When the reference mass and test mass are

within 1% of their nominal mass, the Mass
Comparator Certificate is applied, otherwise a
calibration certificate must be issued due to the
influence of the linearity and sensitivity errors.

Repeatability Repeatability Repeatability Repeatability

Eccentricity Error n/a (1) Eccentricity Error n/a (1) Eccentricity Error n/a (1) Eccentricity Error n/a (1)
Linearity Linearity Linearity n/a Linearity n/a
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity n/a Sensitivity n/a

ACC* ACC* MCCert** MCCert**

A mass comparator has to be qualified and tested according to its application.

*ACC = Accuracy Calibration Certificate (or comparable calibration certificates)

**MCCert = Mass Comparator Certificate

1) If the mass comparator is equipped with a fixed weighing pan, the eccentricity error is to be certified / tested


5. The Testing Parameters for Mass Comparators

5.1 Repeatability — Absolute and ABA Drift Compensated

Definition: Repeatability is a measure of the ability of a balance to show the same result in repetitive weighing
with one and the same load under the same measurement conditions.

Depending on the applied application, the repeatability (standard deviation) is either tested with the ABA method
or with the absolute method.

ABA Method:
The standard deviation is calculated from 5 (five) drift compensated differential weighings between a test weight
“A” and a test weight “B“. The calculation of the difference is as follows: B–((A1+A2)/2).
However, when testing a mass comparator, the same weight can be used as “A“ and as “B“.
The ABA repeatability is defined at nominal load, as well as at a specific low load, for full range, delta range,
and window range mass comparators. During the certification of the mass comparator, measurements of both
loads are performed.



ABA Method

Absolute Method:
To obtain the repeatability of a mass comparator used as a Higher Performance Balance, the absolute method
is applied.
The absolute repeatability is defined at nominal load, as well as at a specified low load, only for full range and
delta range mass comparators. During the certification process, measurements of both loads are performed.
Depending on the mass comparator model, the number of the repeated weighings may vary.
Window range mass comparators are not to be tested with the absolute method.


Absolute Method
5.2 Eccentricity

Definition: Deviation in the measurement value caused by eccentric loading.

White Paper

The evaluation of the eccentricity error of a mass comparator is carried out with
the drift compensated method. For the initial measurement, the test weight should
be placed in the center of the weighing pan. After every corner measurement,
the center position is measured once again to determine the drift. A total of 9
measurement values are required to obtain the eccentricity error of a mass com-
parator which leads to the following measurement steps:

1. Middle
2. Front Left
3 4 3 4
3. Middle
1 4. Rear Left
5. Middle
2 5 2 5 6. Rear Right
7. Middle
8. Front Right
Weighing positions on a round pan Weighing positions on a rectangular pan 9. Middle

The nominal value of the test weight is defined by the manufacturer and is approx. 1/3 of the maximum capacity.
An eccentricity test of the mass comparator equipped with a hanging weighing pan or a LevelMatic® is not
required, as such weighing pans have been specially designed to eliminate the eccentricity error.

5.3 Linearity (Non–linearity)

Definition: Deviation of the characteristic curve from the straight line between zero load and nominal capacity
which is defined by sensitivity. [3]


0 m0 1

If mass comparators are used for weight calibration or differential weighing applications with marginal weight
differences (within 1% mass difference), the linearity test is not required as the reference weight / object and test
weight / sample have very similar mass. Therefore, the non–linearity of the weighing range is negligible.
However, the linearity of mass comparators used for absolute weighing has to be tested with the differential
linearity method with drift compensation. The same test weight will be measured at various points over the entire
weighing range. Every preload is measured before and after the test load to compensate potential drift.





P P P T = Test Weight
P = Preload Weight

5.4 Sensitivity

Definition: Deviation of its true value at the nominal capacity of the balance. [3]

[kg] W

0 1

If mass comparators are used for weight calibration or differential weighing applications where a marginal
weight difference (within 1% mass difference) is applied, the sensitivity test is not required as the reference
weight/object and test weight/sample have a very similar mass. Therefore, the sensitivity is negligible.

However, sensitivity for mass comparators used as Higher Performance Balances for absolute weighing must
be tested with the drift compensated sensitivity method. A traceable reference weight known in its mass and
accuracy class has to be placed on the weighing pan and compared with the indicated value.

Note: For a detailed explanation and calculation in regard to testing parameters please consult the
reference document “Test and Measurement Procedures for METTLER TOLEDO Mass Comparators”,
Document no. 30056760


6. Calibration of a Mass Comparator
Mass comparators used for weight calibration applications must not be calibrated due to the following reasons:
White Paper

• The traceability is primarily established by the reference weight mass value and not by the indication of the
displayed value of the mass comparator.
• A calibration requires the determination of the linearity – and sensitivity error, but such parameters are not
relevant for the weight calibration application (see section 5).
• The uncertainty of the standard weights used by service engineers (mostly E2 or F1 OIML accuracy class
weight sets) is significantly larger and will result in an unnecessarily high uncertainty of the weighing

For mass comparators used as Higher Performance Balances where the absolute weighing method is applied,
a calibration is recommended to establish the measurement uncertainty of the instrument.

7. The Mass Comparator Certificate

The Mass Comparator Certificate is a digital or printed traceable document reporting the measurements and test
results as well as providing the pass / fail assessment against manufacturer‘s specifications. These measure-
ments must be carried out by a qualified service engineer. The certification of a mass comparator is only availa-
ble in combination with installation, preventive maintenance, relocation and/or repair of the instrument.
• The main parameters required are repeatability and eccentricity, whereby the drift compensated method is
- If the mass comparator is equipped with a LevelMatic® or hanging weighing pan, the testing of the
eccentricity error is not needed.
• The certification of linearity and sensitivity can be executed if there is a demand, for instance if country
specific regulations require the testing of all parameters.
• The certificate indicates if the required parameters do meet the manufacturer‘s specifications with a pass or
fail statement.
• Parameters not required for testing are marked with a N/A (not applicable).
• The measured values are transferred via a communication interface, resulting in error free and reliable
recorded results.
• The certificate assesses the repeatability at one nominal and low load. For the certification of the repeat-
ability at nominal and at low load, only one certificates have to be issued.
• Prior to any service executed on the mass comparator, an as found test of the required parameters should
be carried out.
• After the execution of the service (at the end of the service visit), an as left test will be carried out for the
final certification of the mass comparator.
• Mass Comparator Certificates are stored on a secure database and can be requested years after the certifi-
cation took place.
• Mass Comparator Certificates are only for manual comparators. Automatic and Robotic comparators have
separate service certificates as measurements will run automatically for several hours with a controled
software for the evaluation of the required test results.


Document Number: CH4061-009-041422-MassComparator

Mettler-Toledo Report Adress

1 LabTec
Im Langacher
CH-8606 Greifensee

Mass Comparator Certificate


Company: Mettler-Toledo GmbH

2 Address: Im Langacher 44
City: Greifensee State/Province: Zuerich
Zip/Postal: 8606 Contact:


Manufacturer: Mettler Toledo Instrument Type:

3 Model: XPR2004SC Asset No.:
Serial No.: B111199999 Terminal Model:
Class: N/A Terminal Serial No.:
Pan Type:

The instrument referred to in this document has been metrologically tested in accordance with the “Test and Measurement Procedure for METTLER
TOLEDO Mass Comparators” 30056760. The sensitivity of the weighing instrument was adjusted before the “As Left” testing.

Testing Date: 14-04-2022 Service Technician:
Next Testing Date: 30-04-2023 Denis Loisel

1. Traceable, Unique Certificate Number, Service Engineer Identification, Service Provider (Company)
2. Customer Information; Address, City, Country
3. Device Information: Mass Comparator Model Type, Serial Number, Weighing Pan Type, Location
of Device.
4. Reference to Testing Procedure Document “Test and Measurement Procedure for METTLER TOLEDO
Comparators”. Declaration if the measured values mentioned in the mass comparator certificate are
“as found” prior to the executed service or “as left” after the test has been carried out.
5. Testing Date of Mass Comparator, Recommended Next Testing Date, Signature of Service Engineer


Mass Comparator Certificate
Document Number: CH4061-009-041422-MassComparator

Mass Comparator Certificate

6 Summary
White Paper

Document Number: CH4061-009-041422-MassComparator

As found As left

Repeatability ABA Mandatory Pass

Summary n/a

Eccentricity n/a Pass

Linearity Differential As n/a

found APass
s left

Repeatability ABA Mandatory n/a Pass

Sensitivity n/a Pass
Eccentricity n/a Pass

Repeatability ABA Ma ndatoDifferential

Linearity ry n/a Pass

Sensitivity n/a Pass

Test settings
Repeatability ABA Mandatory As found As left

Test load n/a 2000 g

Test settings Stabilization time n/a 15 s

A s f ound As left

Test load n/a 2000 g

Stabilization time 15 s
As n/a
found As left

1A n/a n/a 2000.0085 g

Measurements 1B n/a n/a 2000.0086 g

1A/2A n/a A s f ound n/a 2000.0084 g As left 0.00015 g

2B n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0085
2000.0086 g
2A/3A n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0086
2000.0085 g
g 0.00015 g

7 1A/2A
3B n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0084
2000.0085 g
g 0.00015 g

3A/4A n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0086
2000.0085 g
g 0.00000 g
4B n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0085
2000.0086 g
g 0.00015 g

4A/5A n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0085
2000.0085 g
g 0.00010 g
5B n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0085
2000.0086 g
g 0.00000 g

5A n/a
n/a n/a
n/a 2000.0086
2000.0083 g
g 0.00020 g
4A/5A n/a n/a 2000.0085 g 0.00010 g

5B n/a n/a 2000.0086 g

Overall results
5A n/a n/a 2000.0083 g 0.00020 g
As found As left

Std. deviation ABA n/a 0.000076 g

Overall results Manufacturer specification n/a 0.00025 g

Specification met As n/a

f ound AYes
s left

Std. deviation ABA n/a 0.000076 g

Eccentricity Manufacturer specification n/a 0.00025 g

Specification met n/a Yes

Test settings
Eccentricity As found As left

Test load n/a 1000 g

6. TSummary
est settings Stabilization time n/a 15 s
of all measured parameters with a pass or fail criteria. If tests were not carried out, they will
Weighing pan type As n/a
found A s left
be marked with N/A (not Testapplicable).
load n/a 1000 g

Stabilization time n/a 15 s

7. - Test Load, Stabilization time

Weighing pan type n/a None

- Single Measurement Values for Repeatability (Absolute, ABA or Combined Method)

- Calculated Standard Deviation
- Manufacturer Specification
- Pass / Fail statement Report Version: 2.5
Note: The so-called combined method enables the qualified service engineer to test both; absolute
This certificate was provided electronically. The original is stored in a secure database.
and ABA in one measurement cycle. However when testing a comparator, the same weight must be usedPage as 2/5“A”
Report Version: 2.5
“B”. This certificate was provided electronically. The original is stored in a secure database.
Software Version:
Page 2/5


Overall results
As found As left

Std. deviation ABA n/a 0.000076 g

Manufacturer specification n/a 0.00025 g

Specification met n/a Yes


Test settings
As found As left

8 Test load n/a 1000 g

Stabilization time n/a 15 s

Weighing pan type n/a None

Mass Comparator Certificate

Document Number: CH4061-009-041422-MassComparator

As found As left

Center n/a n/a 999.9986 g Report Version: 2.5
Left front n/a
This certificate n/a is stored in a secure database.
was provided electronically. The original 999.9986
Software g

Center n/a n/a 999.9988 g © METTLER TOLEDO

9 Left rear n/a n/a 999.9990 g

Page 2/5

Center n/a n/a 999.9987 g

Right rear n/a n/a 999.9989 g

Center n/a n/a 999.9986 g

Right front n/a n/a 999.9986 g

Center n/a n/a 999.9988 g

Overall results
As found As left

Eccentricity deviation n/a 0.00025 g

Manufacturer specification n/a 0.002 g

Specification met n/a Yes

Linearity Differential

Test settings
8. Test Load, Stabilization Time, Weighing Pan Shape
As found As left

Test load n/a 500 g

Stabilization time n/a 15 s

9. - Single Measurement Values for Eccentricity
- Calculated Eccentricity Load Deviation (Drift Compensated)
As found measurements
- Tolerance Manufacturer SpecificationAs found As found As found As found

- Pass / Fail Statement Preload 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Load n/a n/a n/a n/a

Preload 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Preload 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Load n/a n/a n/a n/a

Preload 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Preload 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Load n/a n/a n/a n/a

Preload 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Preload 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Load n/a n/a n/a n/a

Preload 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a Report Version: 2.5

This certificate was provided electronically. The original is stored in a secure database. Software Version:
Page 3/5
Overall results
As found As left

Eccentricity deviation n/a 0.00025 g

Manufacturer specification n/a 0.002 g

Specification met n/a Yes

Linearity Differential

Test settings
As found As left
White Paper

Test load n/a 500 g

Stabilization time n/a 15 s

As found measurements
As found As found As found As found
Mass Comparator Certificate
Preload 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Document Number: CH4061-009-041422-MassComparator
Load n/a n/a n/a n/a
As left measurements Preload 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a
As left As left As left A s l ef t
Preload 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Preload 1 0g -0.0001 g
Load n/a n/a n/a n/a
Load 500.0016 g
Preload 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Preload 1 0.0002 g 0.000163 g
Preload 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Preload 2 500 g 500.0040 g
Load n/a n/a n/a n/a
Load 1000.0053 g

11 Preload 3
Preload 2
n/a n/a
500.0039 g
n/a n/a
0.000125 g
Preload 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Preload 3 1000 g 999.9992 g
Load n/a n/a n/a n/a
Load 1500.0001 g
Preload 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Preload 3 999.9990 g 0.000263 g

Preload 4 1500 g 1500.0022 g

Load 2000.0039 g

Preload 4 1500.0023 g 0.000000 g

Overall results
A s f ound As left

Linearity deviation n/a 0.000263 g

Manufacturer specification n/a 0.001 g

Specification met n/a Yes

Sensitivity Report Version: 2.5
This certificate was provided electronically. The original is stored in a secure database. Software Version:

Test settings © METTLER TOLEDO

Page 3/5
As found As left
10. Test Load, StabilizationTestTime
load n/a 2000.015 g

Stabilization time n/a 15 s

11. - Single Measurement Values for Linearity (Differential Method)

M- eCalculated
asurements Standard Deviation
As found without As found with As left without As left with
- Manufacturer Specification reference weight reference weight reference weight reference weight

- Pass / Fail Statement 1A n/a n/a 0.0000 g

1B n/a n/a 2000.0088 g

1A n/a n/a -0.0001 g

Overall results
As found As left

Sensitivity offset n/a -0.00615 g

Manufacturer specification n/a 0.01 g

Specification met n/a Yes

Reference weights

Weight set no. 1235 Date of issue 01-04-2022

Certificate no. 20220414-2 Calibration due date 31-03-2023

Remarks Report Version: 2.5

This certificate was provided electronically. The original is stored in a secure database. Software Version:
Page 4/5


As left As left As left As left
Overall results
Preload 1 0g -0.0001 g
As found As left
Load 500.0016 g
Linearity deviation n/a 0.000263 g
Preload 1 0.0002 g 0.000163 g
Manufacturer specification n/a 0.001 g
Specification met2 500 g 500.0040 g Yes

Load 1000.0053 g

Sensitivity Preload 2 500.0039 g 0.000125 g

Preload 3 1000 g 999.9992 g

Test settings Load 1500.0001 g

As found As left
12 Preload 3
Test load n/a
999.9990 g
2000.015 g
0.000263 g

Preload 4 1500 g 1500.0022 g

Stabilization time n/a 15 s
Load 2000.0039 g

Preload 4 1500.0023 g 0.000000 g

As found without As found with As left without As left with

Overall results reference weight reference weight reference weight reference weight
1A n/a n/a 0.0000 g
As found As left
Linearity deviation n/a n/a n/a 0.000263 g 2000.0088 g

Manufacturer specification n/a n/a n/a -0.0001 g 0.001 g

Specification met n/a Yes

Overall results
Sensitivity As found As left
13 Sensitivity offset n/a -0.00615 g

Manufacturer specification n/a 0.01 g

Test settings
Specification met As n/a
found AYes
s left

Test load n/a 2000.015 g

Reference weights Stabilization time n/a 15 s

Weight set no. 1235 Date of issue 01-04-2022

Certificate no. 20220414-2 Calibration due date 31-03-2023
12. Test Load, Stabilization Time, Conventional Mass Value of Reference WeightAs left without
As found without As found with As left with
reference weight reference weight reference weight reference weight
Remarks 1A n/a n/a 0.0000 g
13. - Single Measurement values 1B for Sensitivity
n/a n/a 2000.0088 g

- Calculated Sensitivity Offset

1A (Drift Compensated)
n/a n/a -0.0001 g

- Tolerance Manufacturer Specification

Overall results
w-wwPass / Fail Statement Report Version: 2.5
As found
This certificate was provided electronically. The original is stored in a secure database.
As left
Software Version:
Sensitivity offset n/a -0.00615 g
Manufacturer specification n/a 0.01 g Page 4/5

Specification met n/a Yes

Reference weights
Weight set no. 1235 Date of issue 01-04-2022

Certificate no. 20220414-2 Calibration due date 31-03-2023


14. Information about the weight set used for the certification of the mass comparator, such as:
Weight Set Number, Certificate Number, Date of Calibration and Calibration Due Date. Report Version: 2.5

Note: The measurement uncertainty of the mass comparator is not provided in the mass comparator certificate.
This certificate was provided electronically. The original is stored in a secure database.
Software Version:
Page 4/5


8. The Necessity of Maintenance and Certification

8.1 Compliance and Traceability

White Paper

Testing and calibration laboratories are liable to record and document their measurement equipment in regards
to installation, maintenance and testing the proper function. In addition, they must also prove that instruments
are regularly maintained and function properly after every service activity has been performed (installation,
maintenance, repairs).
The Mass Comparator Certificate is therefore a valuable, traceable, document which addresses these needs by
certifying that the mass comparator is performing according to the manufacturer specifications, issued by a
certified METTLER TOLEDO service engineer.

The following statements are taken from the literature „Complying with ISO 17025 - A Practical Guidebook“
[2] which are relevant in regard to service and testing of measuring instruments used in accredited calibration

Commissioning of new equipment (referring to section 5.5.2 in ISO17025)

All new equipment must be checked for correct functioning before being placed in routine service. This
should include checks against the manufacturer’s specifications and checks to confirm that the equip-
ment gives satisfactory results when used to make the measurements for which it is intended.

Service and calibration schedule (referring to section 5.5.2 in ISO17025)

Before introducing any piece of equipment into service, the management should decide upon a service /
maintenance, calibration and performance checking schedule. This will normally be a combination of
service from the supplier and in-house checks and calibrations. There would be a general onus on the
laboratory to satisfy any assessors that the arrangements are adequate to ensure proper and reliable
functioning of the equipment.
Having a definition of the proposed service / calibration schedule easily accessible in the log makes audit-
ing easy since the proposed regime can be quickly checked against the actual records, which are also in
the log.
Servicing and preventive maintenance should be as recommended by the manufacturer who may also be
able to carry out calibration checks and adjustments.
For this kind of reason, most equipment will require some formal checks even if it is effectively checked
with the standards at each use.

Routine operation of the equipment log (referring to section 5.5.5 in ISO17025)

Every action taken–supplier’s service, in-house trouble shooting, routine checks, etc. — must be
recorded in this equipment record. Any supporting documentation, such as service reports, calibration
certificates and output from performance checks, should be attached to the record. This document should
become a complete history of the equipment so that its state of calibration and performance at any point
in time can be demonstrated.

Quality system records (referring to section 4.13.1, 4.13.2 in ISO17025)

Records of installation, maintenance, calibration and checks carried out on Instruments and other equip-
ment; this should be in the form of an individual equipment log for each major item of equipment, or
composite logs for smaller items, such as balances, thermometers, glassware.


8.2 Performance

Regular preventive maintenance such as cleaning, adjustment, functional control, and exchange of wear
parts assures the durability/longevity and peak performance of mass comparators and lead to better overall

8.3 Investment Protection

Proactive preventive maintenance activities are the most economical approach to ensuring productive and ac-
curate equipment performance. Preventive maintenance (PM) is designed to avoid breakdowns through regular
monitoring of equipment deterioration and restoring equipment to proper condition. The most compelling reason
for an integrated PM program is reduced costs through reduced probability of equipment breakdowns and exten-
sion of equipment life.
A regular maintenance plan conserves and increases life expectancy of assets, thereby eliminating premature
replacement of weighing equipment. A mass comparator is therefore in operation as long as or even longer than
it was designed for. [4]

8.4 Process Efficiency

Ideal operational system and hardware settings are evaluated by the service engineer during preventive mainte-
nance, leading to a more efficient weighing process and reliable results.
Better overall equipment condition will lead to an improved and more efficient weighing process.

9. Summary and Conclusions

• The calibration of a mass comparator used for weight calibration is not required.
• A mass comparator used as a Higher Performance Balance shall be calibrated.
• Mass comparators are to be tested according to their applied application.
• If the mass comparator is used for weight calibration, the main parameters required to be tested and certi-
fied are repeatability and eccentricity error. However, when a LevelMatic® or hanging weighing pan is used,
the testing of eccentricity is not required.
• The certification of linearity and sensitivity is not required if the mass comparator is used for weight calibra-
tion. This also applies for the differential method where the reference mass and test weight are within 1% of
mass difference.
• Certifying the mass comparator will support the compliance with standards and norms such as ISO17025.
• With a regular maintenance plan, the performance and process efficiency of the mass comparator is
maintained, thus helping to protect the valuable investment.


[1] “OIML R 111”, Organisation International de Metrologie Légale, Paris, 2004
[2] Complying with ISO 17025 — A Practical Guidebook for meeting the requirements of laboratory accredita
White Paper

tion schemes based on ISO 17025:2005 or equivalent national standards, UNIDO, 2009
[3] “Dictionary of Weighing Terms” Roland Nater, Arthur Reichmuth, Roman Schwartz, Michael Borys,
Panagiotis Zervos
[4] 11 Reasons Preventive Maintenance pays off, METTLER TOLEDO, Greifensee, 2016


Laboratory Weighing
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