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~ectono~~ys~cs, 79 (1981) T63-T67 T63

Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands

Letter Section
Characterization of the magnetic fabric of rocks

Geofyzika, mp., Nrno (Czechoslouakia)

(Received July 2,198l; accepted August 10,1981)


Jelfnek, V., 1981. Characterization of the magnetic fabric of rocks. Tectonophysics,

79: T63-T67.

An inextensive system of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy factors is suggested

which is sufficient in the majority of practical applications for characterizing the mag-
netic fabric of rocks. The system involves three newly devised factors: the corrected
anisotropy degree, the shape factor and the difference shape factor. The first of these
characterizes the quantity of anisotropy somewhat better than the commonly used
anisotropy degree. The shape factor characterizes the quality of anisotropy, i.e. the
shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid, in a convenient way; its definition is based on a
certain analogy between the anisotropy ellipsoid and the strain ellipsoid. The differ-
ence shape factor can replace the shape factor when only the differences between the
principal susceptibilities are given while the mean susceptibility is unknown.


The result of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy measurement is

the susceptibility tensor, which can be represented equivalently by the
triad of principal susceptibilities K 1 , K~ , ~~ and the triad of respective prin-
cipal directions pl, pz, p3. The numbering of principal susceptibilities
is convention~ly chosen in such a way that II~ 2 K* > K3.
The susceptibility tensor can also be represented by an ellipsoid. In
this paper, the magnitude susceptibility ellipsoid (Nagata, 1961), with
semi-axes defined as I,/Q , 4~~ , dam, will be considered. We shall say that
the ellipsoid is rotational prolate (prolate, neutral, oblate, rotational oblate)
when K~ =K3 (Kg <Kz <z,Kz =‘;r,r<Kz <Kl,Kz =K~),Where~=tj(K~K3).
From the pIinCipd susceptibilities Cetiain functions H(K~, K~, K~) are
formed that have the following properties. For any a > 0 it holds that:

H(4 , Kz I K3 ) = H(aK, , UK2 , aK3 ).

The values of these functions as well as the functions themselves are called
anisotropy factors.
A great number of anisotropy factors are used nowadays for charac-

0040-195l/SllOOOO-00001$02.50 0 1981 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company


terizing the magnetic fabric of rocks, see e.g., Aziz-ur-Rahman et al., (1975),
Hrouda (1981). The system of these factors has a rather iI~com~rehensive
character. Moreover, some factors have been introduced ad hoc, without
the development of any deeper theoretical basis, and their applicability
is limited or even problematic. On the other hand, some important types
of factors are missing, as will be obvious from the discussion that follows.
To sort out this confused state of affairs, we shall try to formulate a
system that is logical, not too extensive and approp~ate for the majority
of practical applications.
It would perhaps be pertinent here to give a survey of the anisotropy
factors used at the present time. But as space is limited, we cannot do
so. The reader can apply some ideas presented in this paper to the various
factors used up till now, and judge their usefulness for himself.


The ratios of the pairs of principal susceptibilities

L= K1 /Kz , F = K2 /KS, P = lit /KS (21

which are commonly called magnetic lineation, magnetic foliation and

anisotropy degree, resp., are unquestionably of the greatest importance.
In certain cases, however, it may he advantageous to consider their nat-
ural logarithms:

log& = ??l - 7722 lwi,F = flz - v.3 9 &%p = 171- 773 (3)
where n, , q2, q3 are the natural logarithms of the principal susceptibilities.


The principal susceptibilities can be represented by points on the axis

of real numbers. When considering anisotropy quantity, we think intu-
itively of the scatter of these points. Therefore an appropriate factor is
needed to express this scatter. The anisotropy degree can meet this re-
quirement to a certain extent, but it has the disadvantage that it completely
ignores the position of the intermediate susceptibility K* between the min-
imum susceptibility K~ and the maximum susceptibility K~ ,
Instead of the principal susceptibilites K I, K z, K 3, we shall consider their
logarithms rli , R, q3 and the scatter of the latter. This choice can .be jus-
tified by the fact that we are usually interested in the ratios of the prin-
cipal susceptibilities rather than in their differences.
As a measure of the scatter of the logarithms of the principal suscep-
tibilities we suggest the factor:

pp=ex~v’i21C’ilr-77)’ +(G -77V *(Q -r1)*11 (4)


where 7) = (ql + Q + r/3)/3.

The expression within the outermost parentheses is obviously a mul-
tiple of the dispersion of the quantities q1 , Q, v3. The numerical constant
in this expression is chosen in such a way that, for the neutral anisotropy
ellipsoid, P’ = P. For the limiting case of the rotational ellipsoid, no matter
whether oblate or prolate, P’ = P.’ 155. With respect to these properties, we
shall call the factor P’ the corrected anisotropy degree.


The anisotropy degree and the corrected anisotropy degree are mea-
sures of anisotropy quantity. Obviously, an appropriate factor is needed
to describe the anisotropy quality, i.e. the shape of the susceptibility el-
lipsoid. The shape should not be considered in a strictly geometrical sense.
We shall say that two ellipsoids have the same shape if their oblateness
or prolateness is developed “to the same extent”.
Let us now make a short digression into the theory of strain. It is well
known that there is an analogy between the susceptibility ellipsoid and
the strain ellipsoid. The latter has the axes d/x, = 1 + e, , d/x2 = 1 + e, ,
d/x, = 1 + e3, where hl , x2, h3 are referred to as principal quadratic elon-
gations, and e, , e, , e3 as principal extensions (Ramsay, 1967). It is ob-
vious that the principal quadratic elongations correspond to the principal
Now consider a progressive deformation process in which the orien-
tations and values of the principal deviatoric stresses remain constant.
Let the strain ellipsoid mentioned above describe the finite strain at any
moment during the deformation process. If the rock displays plastic or
viscous behaviour, the quotient:

log, L(1 + e2 )/(I + e3 )I log, 02 /A3 )

I^= (5)
log, [Cl + el )/Cl + e2 )I = log, 01 /X2 1

as Ramsay has shown is a function of the principal deviatoric stresses and

the viscosity constant or the plastic proportionality factor, but is time
independent. It seems quite reasonable to state that the strain ellipsoid
has a constant shape in the course of the deformation process. Consequent-
ly, we can say that the parameter r describes the strain ellipsoid shape,
Although the mechanical rheology and the “rheology” of magnetic
susceptibility are not identical, one can expect that the analogical anisotropy

R = log, (“2 /K3 ) _ hi’e~

be (4 /K2 ) logeL

will be a good indicator of the susceptibility ellipsoid shape. The only

disadvantage of the factor R is that it ranges from zero to infinity. There-
fore a modified factor is suggested:

T = R_ - 1 log,F - log,L
= -___ 2772 -- Yl1 -- 73
= ____~___._ (7)
R+1 log,F + log,L 171- JlJ
This will be called the shape factor. If the susceptibility ellipsoid is prolate
rotational (prolate, neutral, oblate, oblate rotational), i.e. if only the mag-
netic lineation is developed (the lineation dominates, the lineation and
foliation are developed to the same degree, the foliation dominates, only
the foliation is developed), then the shape factor 7’ = -1,(~- 1 .C2‘<:0.T = 0,
O< T< l,T=1).
The merits of the shape factor 7'are apparent: it reflects only the shape
of the susceptibility ellipsoid (and is completely independent of the ani-
sotropy quantity), has good symmetry, and enjoys a suitable range.
Using the shape factor T, it is possible to compute the corrected ani-
sotropy degree P’ from the anisotropy degree P.It can easily be shown that:
P'=pcy, LY=\/(l+ T'/3) (8)


In some anisotropy measurements, e.g. in measurements on a torque

magnetometer, only the differences between the principal susceptibilities
are obtained, while the mean susceptibility remains unknown. To describe
the shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid in this case, the factor:


is suggested. It is derived from the differences of the principal susceptibil-

ities rather than from their quotients. Therefore it will be called the dif-
ference shape factor.
The analogy between the shape factor T and the difference shape fac-
tor U is obvious. If the anisotropy degree is low, the values of these fac-
tors are practically equal.
There are two anisotropy factors known from the literature that are
closely related to the difference shape factor U.

v = sin-’ J[(lQ -KS )/(K1 - Kj )J (11)

(seeGranar, 1958; and Graham, 1966).

Both of them can be expressed in terms of U as follows:
g = 2( 1 - U)/( 3 + U)
V = sin-’ d[(U + 1)/2]


The suggested system of six anisotropy factors and their natural loga-
rithms is, in the present authors’ opinion, sufficient for practically all studies
of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy. In many cases, only two parameters
will do, viz. the corrected anisotropy degree P’ (or its logarithm) and the
shape factor T. This can be illustrated on log, P’ - T anisotropy plots
(Hrouda and Chlupacov6, 1981), which give a clear view of the character
of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy measured on large groups of specimens.
This proposal cannot, of course, claim to be a complete solution to
the problem of anisotropy factors. The purpose of the paper will be met
if it provokes discussion on this point.


The author would like to thank Dr. F. Hrouda for valuable comments
and discussion that were of great help to him in the preparing of this paper.


Aziz-ur-Rahman, Gough, D.I., Evans, M.E., 1975. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibil-

ity of the Martin Formation, Saskatchewan, and its sedimentological implications.
Can. J. Earth Sci., 12: 1465-1473.
Graham, J.W., 1966. Significance of magnetic anisotropy in Appalachian sedimentary
rocks. Geophys. Monogr., 10: 627-648.
Granar, L., 1958. Magnetic measurements on Swedish varved sediments. Ark. Geofys.,
3: l-40.
Hrouda, F., 1981. Magnetic anisotropy of rocks and its application in geology and geo-
physics. Geophysical Surveys, in press.
Hrouda, F., Chlup%ova, M., 1981. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of massive ores: in-
terpretation problems. Studia Geophys. Geod. in press.
Nagata, T., 1961. Rock Magnetism. Maruzen, Tokyo.
Ramsay, J.G., 1967. Folding and Fracturing of Rocks. McGraw-Hill, New York.

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