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The lack of efficiency of Homework

While many people traditionally seeing a home work as an essential part of education, there
is still a negative impact of Homework for the student mental health well-being. Some of the
drawback of home work is, potential for academic dishonesty or simply is cheating when
they do their homework, this is because many students get an overwhelming homework
demands that lead them to do plagiarism or other form of cheating, to speed up their process
of doing the homework. And this is will result on a inefficient Learning, that will make
student can’t genuinely learn and understand the material. This can lead to gaps in knowledge
and skill that can have a long-term consequences for their academic and Future development.

Excessive homework can lead to stress and anxiety among students, potentially impeding
their overall well-being and mental health, and this will affect their future life, because in the
end stress and anxiety could lead into declining grade, and that will make them get in to
trouble trying to achieve their dream.

In addition, Most students can’t focus on their home, because when they work in School they
have an motivation to do the work, but when they do the work in home or simply homework,
when they are in their home there is many distractions that make them distracted, and this
will lead into procrastination and then they will do the homework a day before the deadline.
Making them fall into a stressful situations, where they do the homework in a lot of stress and
this will make them do the homework in cheating way, making them not learning anything
from the homework, and that is very inefficient in educational way.

Lastly, for the government that is supervise in education, please remove or replace the
Homework system because it is not efficient enough, and this system has been exist for a
while and never getting any change, because of that, remove the homework system and
Change it into a better system that is following the technological advances era, and that can
make students in less stress and could study better for their future.

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