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Telling a Story

It started last week, that day I was in my room I remembered it was very late at night
and I was doing a work that needed to be delivered the next day and it was very
elaborated because I needed to do a Alphabet with letters that I created I was in a call
with my friend Ximena talking to each other to pass the night doing the work and
listened to music when suddenly I was talking to Ximena something about ghost and
then the music stopped and started to sound like something was maybe suffering then
I needed to go down to grab a knife to cut something and I saw my cat laying down on
the floor but she was weird she had a look like a human Ake she never stopped staring
at me so I just grabbed the knife and tan up to my room when I discovered that my cat
was in my room the “animal” that I saw wasn’t my cat, so I closed the door but at that
time I heard really fast and loud foot steps toward my door soy I closed my door very
gasta and then when I talked to my friend about what Happened the music started yo
play by it self and I got really scared and when I finished the room a went to sleep but I
felt like something was staring at me the hol time but then I got sleepy and started to
fall sleep but when I woke up in the middle of the night a black shape was starting at
me and a couldn’t move and the shape started to move towards me so days by the
time the shadow was close I woke up and found out that I felt sleep doing my work.

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