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Dice: Determinates success in any taken action

advantages: advantage means that you get the original result of your dice roll and
add 1/2 of the
original roll to the total amount, capping at a limit of +2. example: 30 +1 = 45;
30 +2 =60

Disadvantages: same as advantages but take contrary effect.

Rerolls: Allows you to reroll your dice by the number given, can be used as a
negative or positive,
meaning if you get a negative reroll you roll the dice a said number of times and
get the worst dice,
same thing for positive but with a positive effect


Unconscious: if hp reaches 0, you go unconscious, at this state, losing 1/3 of your

total hp means death.

panic: fail on power roll will cause a 1 turn loss

Despair: causes negative reroll on power

Extreme temperatures: Immense amounts of heat cause fast stamina loss, amounts of
cold cause extra damage.

Perks: extra atributtes added to regular attributes

Combat Atributtes:

Strenght: Required for actions like swinging blades, pushing or carrying various
things, holding enemies
or performing physical attacks

Dexterity: Determines the speed to reach things out of area, on bags/pockets, do

advanced movements

Sneak Attacks: If undetected, player gets a +1 advantage on whatever action can be

taken on enemy unit

Blocking: Can be used do block attacks, if sucessfull receive 1/2 of original

damage, if extreme success
receive no damages, can get a roll advantage if using items that boost blocking,
like shields or cover.
Dice used for blocking is your weapon

Dodging: Used for completely dodging incoming attacks if they are close ranged,
meaning physical strikes,
swords, etc. Dice used for dodging is Dexterity.

Counterattacking: Counterattacks are applied against physical strikes, same as

blocking, but instead of
taking damage, you instead deal a punch damage (strenght dice) or weapons like
blades if available (weapon
dice roll).
Stealth: Determines if player is capable of staying out of sight to be undetected,
by being in that
state the player can then use a Sneak Attack or stay hidden for enemies to go away,
find you, or can be
used for doing anything undetected, including stealing.

Luck: Determines luck involved in things that involve randomness or missed bullets
on certain situations.

Throwing: Used for throwing things that can be thrown, may use strenght if throwing
something heavy.


Health: measuring remaining health points on entity

Charm: Persuade someone to do your biding, reroll if the victim is attracted to

your gender

Attention: Used to roll for hearing, perception, reaction time based events,
noticing small details or
asking the dungeon master for a tip on the current puzzle or event, as well as look
for some items.

Constituition: Used to measure endurance in things like running, drinking alcohol,

or long periods of time
without sleep.

Intelligence: Used to remember background things, or things the player forgot but
can remember

Alchemy: Can create potions of varying effect, many of them requiring recipes
acquired from other dimensions.

Gunworks: Roll for hit on the guns, weapon dice is specific

Bladeworks: Roll for precision on swords, weapon dice is specific

Power: Used for either determining damage that spells do or incase of influential
spell, block

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