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It all began as of the TBA date, when a bend occured in reality, a render,

destroying the only barrier protecting our know world from the terror created from
the fusion of twisted understanding from creatures known as gods, resulting in
multiple dimension being recreated based on the one we live in, however controlled
by unimaginable beings, who live in a state of complete chaos, who wish only to
estabilish balance and justice to beings born to live in a mess of ideas
represented into a world.

GOD- Maori - REAL (main) called equilibrium by The Squad

GOD - DEAD: ruled by: Firstborn Loftus - Loftus Paradise (first) (Frayed-arruinado)
(anxiety, strain, Determination, Calm)

GOD - Ma�ng�ro - Tophet (basically hell) (fourth) (Tophet)

GOD - (unknown) - Realm of illusions (second) (Illusions)

GOD - Matakari - Nede (copy of real) (third)


The first and main piece of the body created, resulted by the explosion of the Big
Bang, the event that dates the birth of the universe, unknownst to man, however, is
the conscience that was created, a GOD is the only fitting title, this being,
called Ma�ng�roa. This, however, would not last
The Big Bang caused too much of an imbalance in the physical matter of our
universe, due to the instability betwween matter and anti-matter, causing the
balance of all to shift, all matter outside of here was being turned, modified,
rewritten by time in a way that caused living creatures to stop existing, the
survivors, becoming lost, this was the reason for Ma�ng�roa, after the blast, the
damage was absurd, there was nothing that could be done for the outside, which was
split into four aditional realities
as it stands, all life which is not born on the REAL dimension, will be
exterminated, the survivors, lost to chaos, only following their insincts to
survive and reproduce, unknowingly creating a life of torture and chaos for their
Ma�ng�roa had no choice, nothing he could do would be able to reverse the damage,
the only course of action would be to create a new world, new life, on the now only
habitable dimension, so Ma�ng�roa used his life force to create the Milky Way
galaxy and it's solar system, waiting milions and milions of years for life to be
able to form and looking down on the path lifeforms will take.
However, he would not be able to live among them, the future species would be far
too intelligent to hide in a physical matter, no matter where he'd hide, it would
be only a matter of time before he was discovered, so he split his life into four
parts, so they could all rule the four dimensions and together bring peace to what
has become a desolate desert because of him, and so, the four GODs were born:

Maori, to take care of REAL,

Loftus, to take care of paradise, a place which would come to flourish with life
and society under his stern but warm reign,
an unknown GOD, with no information related to him,
Matakiri to reign over Nede, a land clustered by war which will knowingly turn into
a fraud of what Real became.
Ma�ng�ro, who would go be almost the same name as what all of these beings would
consider a "father", because of his desire to make a universe completely balanced
around the lives of everyone who deserved Real's ether, but were betrayed and cast
into an abyss of chaos.


Not much is known about Maori, the only remains of knowledge based on him is the
book "Bible" which correctly depicts the creation of
this reality, however, much past that, the book got filled with nonsense as a
consequence of a mortal understanding and obtaining the
powers of a god, leaving only the tile of "god" to be used by humans as a way to
describe infinitely powerful being/s, causing religion to spread out in mass
throughout the entire planet, after that, nothing else was ever heard about "god",
not even his actual name being stated
He, however, scored a deal with the desperate man Loftus. He would share an ether
fountain, which was the equivalent of nothing to him, in exchange for creating a
barrier above space and time, impeding other gods of using their powers on other
realms, securing his reign on Real.


Loftus was a man with a capital M, worked hard in his every day to try and fix the
mistakes of the Big Bang, but, it doesn't matter how much he attempted, the only
thing he could do, was to sell out his brothers to Maori, the ruler of REAL, this
was made to acertain that Maori will ALWAYS remain on top, and ALWAYS be the ruler
of REAL, no matter how much the others attempt, so, Maori exploited Loftus after
thousands of years of work, gone into nothing, and dissapearing faster than he
could blink, he took the deal, and sold out the other 3 brothers to Maori, who then
went onwards to creating a barrier, which with the immense power of all the Ether
floating around freely on REAL and on Loftus's soon-to-be Paradise, and Maori's
infinite Knowledge, for being gifted the immense ruler power for the REAL
dimension, created a barrier, blocking all living and non-living things from ever
crossing out of their respective dimensions, the only exception being the gods,
which, outside of their own realm, have far less power, this would acertain Maori's
power, and fullfil Loftus's dream.
After less than a couple of years, Paradise turned into an actual paradise, being
fed enough Ether straight from REAL to his own land, and the land quickly adapted
and grew it's own, with his help, of course, as his last act before being consumed
and taken into the ether, a small village was created, centered around a beautiful
pristine green river of ether that flows all throughout the land, him and his
beloved villager who had fallen in love would birth Derval Loftus, at his 7 year of
life, his mother would die after the birth of her daughter, Alma loftus.
And with this, Loftus was left only to watch as he dissapeared into the ether
barrier protecting his land and giving it form


Not much is known about him, neither by his people, having only a select duo of
soldiers working for him, but also having no contact with his other brothers, which
he despises. This man acts NOT upon reason, following only his heart at the time,
swearing only to have revenge on his brothers who (at least what he thinks
happened) had banished him and his people, who are now turned into bizzare
creatures to live in a land of chaos. But let this not surprise you, he doesn't
give a shit about the "bigger idea" he has no "super plan" to bring vengeance to
his people, and is in general a chaotic piece of shit that only acts to live in the
moment, after all, he has alredy lived an eternity, so why care about the future
anyways, since any problems you ever have will eventually die before you do. He's
the scapegoat for Mangoro basically.


Matakiri inherited a back bone or two from the father Mang�roa, discovering his
immense power inside his assigned dimmension and proceeding to kick the ever living
shit out of the abberations created in Nede, taken form by corrupted ether wasted
on Real, creating abominations that can barely be described, after a war that
lasted thousands of years, a land, completely barren and blood showered, was about
to be transformed.
Matakiri distanced himself from his brothers after beggining the cleansing, for
none of them offered to help him in his "mad" conquest, what actually happened is
Matakiri found a way to use all the blood-red liquid corrupted ether to create a
singular crystal of the most pure ether crystal anyone would ever see, with this
power, Matakiri spent years idolizing and absorbing all the corruption from his
land to his crystal, which managed to recreate an immense yellow fountain of the
most concentrated ether any reality has ever seen
As life began to form around him, Matakiri spent his eternity simply staring at
what he had created, after millenia of war, the seconds he spent reflecting to
himself seemed longer than the billions spent fighting a seemingly endless war.
Matakiri had acquired a thirst for the thrill of batlle like none other, his only
other desire big enough to supress it was to see his people thrive off of his work,
so he sealed away his conscience in the ether fountain, now anyone who dares speak
to what was once known as a god must now do a puzzle i stil haven't made god
fuckign damngit

The Awakening

So, dated back at 14/5 371 b.C, A man called Asellus, who found a papyrus scroll
mentioning the legend of an entity called M�ng�roa, called to be the creator of
all, the rest of the text was unreadable for all, except for Asellus, who went
crazy trying to convince his entire village on the word of the legendary M�ng�roa,
he quickly got exiled and called insane, but vanished before so little as receiving
word of the case.

Asellus learned from direct contact of M�ng�roa an immense ammount of Knowledge

from the gods of the other realms, at this point, M�ngo was barely noticed working
with the mortal, however, was teaching him an elaborate plan to create a render in
the most vulnerable place, one where they could easily spill the most blood on top
of a beacon of power.

The target was set for New Zealand, the capital of Wellington, because of one man,
a senator of the United States, because he was scheming plans to start a new world
war to get elected as president and to revolutionize american economy: Senator

The ritual required an immense, unknown amount of deaths on the universe to occur,
so, at what was the first day of the declared second world war, M�ng�roa began the
preparation for the ritual, which was made for reviving and completely controlling
a man called William Hobson, founder of new zealand, who was previously thought
DEAD, to reestablish political power to himself mid war and end up declaring peace
against the leaders of germany after hitler's death, turning against italy and the
allied forces and destroying thousands of military bases housing millions of
This brought all the fallen soldiers into mangoro's Tophet, were they began a riot
against the allmighty deity that doomed them, stopping their own souls from going
back to Real, where the ritual was supposed to take place, making all of the
Knowledge of the GODS fall into a singular recipient with no mother or father, who
was simply a mortal baby, incapable of bearing the memories of millions of years
gone. This was how Kelsey Ruiz was found on top of a destroyed building, completely
safe and unharmed, despite the tons of debri around him.

Kelsey Ruiz then grew and lived a normal life, with a misty memory regarding all
knowledge of the other dimensions, passing them off as weird dreams, untill the day
of the reality split, 18 years, on the exact same date of his birth (5th august,
1997) on this day, he recovered all of the memories and knowledge referring to the
mess that is life outside our universe.
after falling unconscious for a whopping 2 hours, he wakes up, desperate,
remembering the day of his birth, he knows what M�ng�roa
is trying to accomplish, and he has a burning wish to protect the lifes of those
who raised and cared for him so deeply.

Originally, his only ally was Chris, a child born of homeless parents, with no
future in sight, raised in the same orphanage as Kelsey. Having the same age, they
got to grow together, and as soon as any personality was seen in both of them, they
were immediate best friends. Kelsey rushed to explain everything to Chris, who
laughed at the idea of creating an rebellion against an almighty force of another
dimension, until Kelsey used his knowledge to show Chris that he wasn't joking. On
an immediate shock after what happened,
Chris, who was now a information breaker for high-budget journalism channels on
television, dumping who to him was no big deal of money, managing to buy an unnused
old, World war 1 high security bunker, that was sold after being a failed attempt
at a 1970's disco,, on a dark corner of United States, on Michigan, Detroid (USA)

Day 2, after an rushed purchased of what is now being hand remodeled by the two,
Kelsey, after scrambling through what little coherense he could make through all
the memories he now had, after a sleepless night, remember of one Citatel, on the
other side of our universe, making frontier with the horrors of other dimensions,
Loftus of Dream land.
Kelsey calls Chris over, and opens a portal to Lofty, stopped in front of a
mondane, single floored, small house, on land covered by sunlight, the floor is
sturdy and firm, and yet, soft as clouds, immense forests of cherry blossoms are
seen on the distance, as them both enter the house to speak to Derval Loftus,
Firstborn sun of Dream Land, the only peacefull dimension other than our own.

Negotiations break down between Chris who was a well charismatic person and Derval,
who was putting on a scary face trying to protect his land, whoever, soon the
situation was explained and they both got to an agreement, ritually and morally,
Kelsey would allow Derval free access to visit and acquire Knowledge from Earth,
and in return, he would help us find three Knowledgeably gifted individuals, who
where going to get attacked by Order Equilibirum, who came barging into Derval's
house the day prior (reason derval was being defensive and angry), foil their plans
and get the three of them in an order, Kelsey and Derval using their Knowleadge
together were able to see small bits of the future they seeked, Amon Malzahar, a
man who was on a trip to ~~~ and got attacked by and revived creamated corpse, who
was buried on the streets nearby the hotel Amon would stay in.

The plan was simple, Chris would save Amon by sneakily mixing the ingredients Amon
carries with him (for working as a chemist)
into an incredibly deadly (and illegal) acid to destroy the creature, who was
weakened for it's creator was far away, and recruit Amon into the order, using his
as the main person behind the recruitment of the other 2, Ivan was simple, after
finding the remains of the cremated man, revived, and now destroyed by acid, calls
the police, and (as an prosecutor of justice) tracks down Amon, who was told by
Chris to purposelly leave evidence on the body, as to be found, then plead guilty
and be thrown into jail, only to bre removed by Ivan, who has now been seeked out
by Chris (who found his phone number and knows his persona in court and out of
court) which chris knows is interested in the other realms, and will willingly join
after being shown proof by Kelsey, negotiations break down and Ivan joins, on the
condition that, for as long the current mission is a go, he is not allowed to
broadcast any information to the outside world, nor show proof, as this will be
detrimental to the fact that they are abusing the current war to go under the radar
of the government and citizens, aswell as distracting Asellus, a man Kelsey didin't
know was working for specifically M�ngor�a, who was now unable to be contacted by
means of any knowledge, meaning the gods probably discovered what he was up to, and
disconnected his link to Ritual terms, but if that were the case, he wouldn't be
know as Knowledge by kelsey, and wouldn't have been remembered last night, meaning
even after the gods banding together to stop M�ng, he was completely fine and
retains all his powers, aswell as being a safe and unknown distance from the gods

That same day Kelsey woke up to his memories, there was a group of people, who
unknowingly know of the other side, where gonna do the opposite of our heroes,

Reality benders, people who help creatures from the alternate realities from ours,
the one which every one is based
off of, for in that day Alma loftus was a target for a kidnapping in an large scale
operation, the obstacle? one singular man, derval
Loftus, her brother, being the firstborn son of the god of dream land, is massively
strong, more so when in his own dimension, the plan was to then cause a distraction
big enough for derval to leave his dimension, so they started causing accidents in
the Equilibrium Dimension, causing Kelsey to awaken to his memories because of the
massive influx of Knowledge in our world, and creating an undercover Organization
to stop them

The operation/group was named Equanimit, opposing the recently named Equilibrium

The last step to Capture Alma was to wait for Derval to leave for a mission
assigned to him, he had to scout out particular individuals to help the order in a
mission of reality benders extermination.

After Derval finds The PCs, and Chris (the recruiter) successfully recruit all of
them, their first mission finally begins, on the 5th day after the awakening, to
find Derval loftus, who has been out of contact for hours after an abrupt loss of

Derval is running towards a burning home fending off a highly capable mob of
Equanimit members, arriving just in time to see (Asellus) a hooded figure take off
with his sister.

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