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O​ ral script

QUESTION​ ​1: I would be intrested in reading this magazine! One reason i would like
to read this magazine is because it says that it is a magazine dedicated for young
animal lovers and i consider myself an animal lover! I often volunteer at animal
shelters to feed and care for animals ranging from hamster to dogs! Secondly , i have
always wondered why dogs yawn when we yawn as i have a dog. I also stepped on a star
fish at the beach so there was no blood! So i have always been curious about the blood of
a sea star! There is also a p​ arents’ choice award​ notify on the cover page, i think it is
to entice parents to let their kids buy the magazine!

QUESTION 2: I would be most interested in the article about the reason why dogs yawn
when we yawn. This is because it has been a burning question in my mind for a long
time and i would love to find out the reason why. I was also attracted to the article as
the picture of the dog yawning is very interesting and the dog in the picture is very

QUESTION 3: yes, i enjoy reading magazines, this is because i find magazines easier to
read than books. Books are often very long and takes very long to read. On the other
hand, magazines contain tibits of information and are easier to digest! I would
always look forward to read magazines about science and animals as i find them
highly interesting!

CONCLUSION: All in all, i love animals and would not heasite to read magaaines
about animals and any other science or interesting magazine!

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