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Banksy left a message on one of the walls in Gaza (courtesy of


Banksy is a well-known British graffiti artist whose controversial works appear around the
world. The work of Banksy is also known for questioning those in authority and making
political statements. He left a powerful message on a wall in Gaza. The Gaza–Israel conflict
is a part of the wider Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Discussion Question: The construction of a visual text can reinforce the plight of real life
struggles in the world.

Respond to this statement with reference to the image supplied.

American street artist and designer Eddie Colla gained a fair amount of press with this
particular street art quote that tells us ‘if we want to achieve greatness stop asking for

Like Banksy, Colla is also known for questioning those in authority and making political

Discussion Question: The construction of a visual text can challenge society’s ideology on
political correctness and conformity.

Respond to this statement with reference to the image supplied.

A Banksy street mural in the center of Melbourne, Australia.

Banksy is a well-known British graffiti artist whose controversial works appear around the
world. The work of Banksy is also known for questioning those in authority and making
political statements.

Discussion Question: The construction of a visual text can challenge controversial issues
that are often not discussed enough. The artworks give a voice to the people concerned.

Respond to this statement with reference to the image supplied.

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