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Linda Andriani N


Woman Of A Million Inspiration

Her name is Najwa Shihab. She was born in Makassar on September 16, 1977. Najwa’s
father is a Habib named Muhammad Quraish Shihab. She was the second child of a total of five
siblings. She is a presenter, a journalist, an actress, and a feminist, and also an Indonesian social
media activist of Bugis descent. His courage to be a presenter about the issues that occurred in
Indonesia was greatly appreciated by many people for his courage to bring the event. However,
his critical attitude and courage backfired in his life because many political figures did not like
Behind his intelligence and success in a career, there are many life lessons that we can
emulate from the figure of Najwa Shihab. She has a beautiful face and a very high education. She
can inspire many people with her figure. For example, something that can be imitated from the
figure of Najwa Shihab for my life and also for others out there is being a woman who dares to
voice her opinion because many women out there are afraid to voice their own opinion because
they think that women can not voice their opinion about something. In addition, there is a woman
who can stand on her own feet. Many women still depend on men for their lives, but Najwa Shihab
teaches us to be women who can have a career without leaving their obligations as women. Last
but not least, Najwa Shihab inspired me to have an open outlook and an open mind and to think
critically as a woman.
There are so many things that I can take from the figure of a strong and great woman like
Najwa Shihab. The life lesson that I got from the figure of Najwa Shihab for my life is that, as a
woman, I have to be confident and think critically about something that I will face. Even though I
was born as a woman, I also have to have a future in my career without forgetting my obligations
as a woman who will one day have a family. Being a woman who is strong and optimistic about
carrying out something in the future is something I must instill in my life.
This is the figure of Najwa Shihab in my eyes, the figure who inspired me to become a
woman who thinks critically, dares to express opinions, and has a successful career for the future.
There are so many lessons that I can take from the figure of Najwa Shihab to make me a better
person in the future as a woman.

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