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a. Jack: The protagonist of the story, a young and brave boy.

b. Jack’s Mother: A poor widow and Jack’s caring parent

c. The Man: The person Jack meets on his way to the market.
d. The Giant: A fearsome character living in the sky kingdom.
e. The Giant’s Wife: A kind character who helps Jack during his visits to
the Giant’s house.

1. Conflict
 Man vs. Man conflict: Jack, the protagonist, confronts the giant, a
formidable adversary, and the source of conflict in the story.

2. Resolution
 The conflict is resolved when Jack defeated the giant by chopping
down the beanstalk. Jack and his mother became rich and lived happily
ever after.

3. Point of View
 The story is narrated from a third-person limited point of view, primarily
focusing only on Jack's experiences and emotions.

4. Tone
 The tone of the story is adventurous, with elements of danger and
excitement as Jack faces challenges and explores the Giant’s world.

5. Mood
 The mood of the story goes from sadness and disappointment at the
beginning, to tension, excitement, and eventual triumph as the story

6. Symbols
a. The magic beans symbolize the potential for adventure and magic.
b. The beanstalk is a symbol of the bridge between Jack's ordinary world
and the sky kingdom.
c. The harp and golden egg symbolize the wealth and treasures.

7. Narrative Devices
a. Chronological Order: The story follows a linear sequence, with events
unfolding in a logical order from the beginning to the end.
b. Foreshadowing: The story uses the phrase "Fee-fi-fo-fum" to create a
sense of foreboding and tension, hinting at the danger Jack will face
when the giant discovers him.

8. Plot

9. Theme
 The story explores themes of bravery, resourcefulness, and the rewards
of taking risks. It also conveys a message about the consequences of
trading something valuable for the unknown.

10. Insights/Lessons
 The story imparts lessons about making wise choices, seizing
opportunities, and being resourceful in the face of adversity. It also
emphasizes that kindness and cleverness can lead to success.

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