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Republic of the Philippines


Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
City of Cadiz

Name: Lenyl Gie Elle Marfa Year and Section: OV IV – BSSE

E.E. Cummings was a poet who loved experimenting with form, structure, punctuation, and even spelling in

his poems. Unfortunately, he faced criticism for deviating from traditional techniques and structures to

create his unique style of poetic expression. However, his popularity grew, especially among young

readers, because of the simplicity of his language, which resonated with the preferences of the younger

generation even today. His poem "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in)" is relatively short, consisting of

four stanzas of different lengths. The poem employs various poetic devices, including vivid imagery and

repetition, to enhance its impact. Cummings employs vivid imagery throughout the poem, depicting the

speaker's all-encompassing love. The symbolism of carrying someone's heart emphasizes the intimate and

enduring nature of the relationship. The language is simple yet powerful, evoking strong emotions in the

reader. In terms of literary devices, Cummings uses repetition, such as "i carry your heart with me," from

the title to the opening line and to the concluding section to emphasize the eternal nature of love. The title

sets the tone, the first line draws the reader in, and the final part leaves a lasting impression. He also plays

with capitalization and punctuation, breaking conventional rules to create a unique visual and rhythmic

effect. Regarding capitalization, Cummings consistently uses the lowercase "i" throughout the poem. This

deliberate choice may stem from his desire to establish an equal footing with his beloved. Cummings

avoids elevating the speaker above their lover by not capitalizing the pronoun. This artistic decision adds

depth to the poem's themes of unity and interconnectedness. The poem includes love, connection, fate,

and the profound impact someone can have on our lives. It explores the idea of carrying someone's heart

within our own, emphasizing their deep bond and influence on our actions and worldview. The poem also

highlights the beauty and significance of the beloved, comparing them to celestial bodies like the moon and

the sun. It delves into the hidden depths of love and the secret connection between two souls. Moreover,

the poem also celebrates the power of love and its transformative effect on our lives.

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