Chef Emma

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Emma and her family lived at a small village in India.

They were poor, yet her parents worked

very hard. Everyday when they come back home, Emma would cook a delicious meal for them.
So delicious that anyone would do almost anything for it. So delicious that her village members
would come into her house asking for some.

One day, news about a cooking competition spread through the village like a fire. There was no
one who didn’t know about it. Emma was excited and nervous about it. She was scared that the
coaches might not like her food. But then she changed her mind when she saw the prize for the
winner; 1000000 rupees. She was shocked by this, for this could support her family heavily.

The competition was going to take place in Mumbai. However, the problem is that she had no
money for transportation and didn’t want to ask her parents for it. For this reason, Emma had
to go to her neighbors begging for it. She went to several houses, but the transportation price
was just too much. But then, on her 4th house, a person agreed to pay for her transportation.
But under one condition, Emma has to share ¼ of the money she gets. Emma thought about
this carefully, and decided to make a deal.

That afternoon, she told her parents about the competition, and they allowed her to go.

The next morning, Emma woke up really early to catch the bus. She rode for 3 hours straight.
Finally, she reached Mumbai. A lot of women and girls were there. Some were even men. The
place was crowded. Emma signed her name onto the list and got ready for the event.

Finally, the event started. Emma was assigned to cook beef stew. She was given a limited
amount of ingredients to cook the stew. She tried so hard. Then, the time was up. The judges
took about 2 hours to taste and rank everyone’s meals. Everyone sat quietly waiting for the
answers. The judges started announcing the winners from third. The third place went to Musa,
the second place went to Rebecca. There was a moment of silence before the judges
announced the winner. Then, they shouted at the top of their lungs ‘EMMA!!!!’

Emma couldn’t believe the news. She claimed her prize and went back home.

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