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Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses

1278-1280 Naparima Mayaro Road,


David Christopher Barrington

#23 Mantacool 1st Branch Road

Dear Mr. Barrington,

Pleasant day to you. My name is Stephon Gaimchand. I am making a special

effort to reach persons by letter because of the current pandemic that we are
all facing. I do hope that you are keeping well.

I am one of eight million volunteers worldwide trying to give good news to

persons even though many say that the times we are living in now keep getting
worse. But do you believe that there is hope for all of us? Do you know what
that hope is?

It is true that even the best human governments have failed to solve mankind’s
serious problems. But for many years persons have been praying for a
government far superior to the others without even realizing it. It is found in
the Holy Writings at Matthew 6:10, commonly known as the Our Father
prayer: “Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on

Yes! God has set up a kingdom or government that will replace human rule and
it will rule forever. That government is the best that we could ever ask for
because the ruler of it is perfect and will govern those under it out of love.
God’s Kingdom will undo all the harm that millenniums of human rule have
done. It will provide: perfect health, true peace and security, meaningful work
and a clean environment. These are just some of the many blessings we can
look forward to.

Would you like to know what those accomplishments will mean for you? If you
are interested in learning more, please feel free to contact me at 731-2091 or
at my email: You can also visit our website to get more information on that question as well.

I do hope you continue to keep well as I eagerly await your response.


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