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Characters/Participants: Rachael (Raelynn) , Ander (just.. Ander, I guess.

The Full Script (You can edit your lines if you want)

Scene starts as Raelynn and Ander are sitting together on a bench, out of sight from
the elemental meeting place.

Ander: *sigh* My father has been up to some odd stuff lately, he has been acting
strange around the crystals. I don’t quite understand why, but I have a strong feeling he
is after them.

Raelynn: Why would he even need the crystals anyways? He is already the leader of
one of the most powerful elements!

Ander: That's the thing. He doesn’t need them, but he wants them for the sake of power.
There also isn’t much we can do to stop him if he tries.

There is a brief moment of silence before Ander changes the subject.

Ander: I can’t remember where I got it, but earlier, I found this green shiny thing.

Ander holds out an emerald.

Ander: Apparently non-elementals use it to trade goods. It might come in handy


Raelynn: Hm. I remember seeing that in the hands of my mother. She said that it was
prized by non-elementals.

A distant shriek interrupts their conversation.

Raelynn: What the.. Did you hear that too, Ander?

Ander: *panicked* I knew it! I knew he would steal them at the meeting! They would’ve
been right there on the table! What was I thinking?

Raelynn: We need to hide. Quickly!

Ander and Raelynn run into the spruce forest.

Raelynn: *panicked* How are we going to break this up?! The pieces of the crystal
could be potentially lost!

Ander: As far as I know, the void element would be in possession of them right now, but
the other elements would be hunting us down by now. We need to find somewhere to
hide and quick.

Two void elementals appear in front of them. (Pearl over if played)

Ander’s Father: Didn’t know you hang out with other elementals. Hm. And why is that, I

Ander’s Father points his staff at Raelynn.

Ander’s Father: And, why exactly is she here?

Raelynn: Because I want to be here? Like, come on, I’m just an.. An ordinary wind

Ander’s Father scowled with suspicion.

Ander’s Father: Seize her!

The other void elemental points a spear at Rachael’s neck as others teleported here.

Raelynn: Argh! Let me go!

Raelynn punches the void elemental in the face, causing them to drop their spear.

Ander grabs Raelynn and the spear, teleporting into a nearby cave before the
elementals can react.

Ander: What were you doing? You can’t just punch my fathers secretary in the face!
Now they have your armpit fluid!

Raelynn begins blocking the entrance with cobblestone as she speaks.

Raelynn: Sorry, it was me having an adrenal- i mean, by instinct. I didn’t think that
they’d have my scent.

Ander holds and places a black object.

Ander: This is a respawn anchor. It stops void elements from being able to teleport in
here, and apparently it can be used to bring people back to life. There's also a way you
can make it self destruct, But I don't know how that works.

Raelynn: That’s genius. How did you find it?

Raelynn paused and then took out her journal (book & quill). She then pulled out her
pen and started to write down the things that had happened.

Ander: My mother gave me multiple of them as a gift. Once I place them, there is no
way other than self-destruct to remove them. I have around 17 of them.

Ander: She must’ve given them to me for self defense, as if she knew that something
like this would happen.

Raelynn: Impressive, I didn’t know they had such things!

They continued to talk for a while, until suddenly a quiet thud was heard.

Ander: Yeah, I didn’t know it even existed until-

The sound interrupted his sentence. Ander glanced at it, realizing it was a piece of the
ceiling. More and more started to fall to the ground.

Raelynn: *nervously* Ander, I think we- we should run..

Out of panic, Raelynn sprinted out. After a long while of running, she was suddenly
pinned to the ground as a spear (trident) was held to her neck. She didn’t have a
choice; if she tried escaping, her throat would be slit.

Ander’s Father: I think it would only be fair if we kept this mischevious one in our

His grin was evil and devious, but Raelynn had to play along for her own safety.

Raelynn: Ugh, where is Ander? I swear he followed after me..right?

She whispered this under her breath as she was escorted away from their temporary

My name rae

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