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Object Oriented Programming

50 Coding Questions for Practice

Nibedita Sarkar

Here are 50 practice questions from beginner to advanced level that will help you understand
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language better.
50 practice questions on classes and objects from
beginner to advanced level

Beginner Level:

1) Create a class named "Person" with a "name" attribute and a "greet()" method that
prints "Hello, my name is [name]".
2) Create a class named "Rectangle" with "width" and "height" attributes and a
"get_area()" method that returns the area of the rectangle.
3) Create a class named "Circle" with a "radius" attribute and a "get_area()" method that
returns the area of the circle.
4) Create a class named "Student" with "name" and "age" attributes and a
"display_student()" method that prints the name and age of the student.
5) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods.

Intermediate Level:

6) Create a class named "Animal" with "name" and "species" attributes and a
"make_sound()" method that prints the sound the animal makes.
7) Create a class named "Car" with "make" and "model" attributes and a "start_engine()"
method that prints "The [make] [model] is starting".
8) Create a class named "Employee" with "name" and "salary" attributes and a "get_tax()"
method that calculates and returns the tax amount for the employee.
9) Create a class named "Person" with "name" and "address" attributes and a
"display_details()" method that prints the name and address of the person.
10) Create a class named "Book" with "title", "author", and "year" attributes and a
"display_book()" method that prints the title, author, and year of the book.
Advanced Level:

11) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods, and add a "transaction_history" attribute to keep track of all
12) Create a class named "Shape" with an "area()" method, and create subclasses
"Rectangle" and "Circle" with their own "area()" methods.
13) Create a class named "Person" with "name" and "age" attributes, and create a subclass
"Employee" with "salary" attribute and a "display_employee()" method that prints the
name, age, and salary of the employee.
14) Create a class named "Fraction" with "numerator" and "denominator" attributes and
methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions.
15) Create a class named "Triangle" with "base" and "height" attributes and a "get_area()"
method that returns the area of the triangle.

Expert Level:

16) Create a class named "Animal" with "name" and "species" attributes and a
"make_sound()" method that prints the sound the animal makes. Create a subclass
"Dog" with a "breed" attribute and a "bark()" method that prints "Woof!".
17) Create a class named "Rectangle" with "width" and "height" attributes and a
"get_area()" method that returns the area of the rectangle. Add a "str()" method to
print the dimensions of the rectangle.
18) Create a class named "Person" with "name" and "age" attributes, and create a subclass
"Student" with "grade" attribute and a "display_student()" method that prints the
name, age, and grade of the student.
19) Create a class named "Car" with "make" and "model" attributes and a "start_engine()"
method that prints "The [make] [model] is starting". Add a "str()" method.
20) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods, and add a "str()" method to print the balance of the account.
21) Create a class named "Shape" with an "area()" method, and create subclasses
"Rectangle" and "Circle" with their own "area()" methods. Add a "str()" method to print
the dimensions of the shape.
22) Create a class named "Person" with "name" and "age" attributes, and create a subclass
"Employee" with "salary" attribute and a "display_employee()" method that prints the
name, age, salary, and employee ID of the employee.
23) Create a class named "Fraction" with "numerator" and "denominator" attributes and
methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. Add a "str()"
method to print the fraction in the form "numerator/denominator".
24) Create a class named "Triangle" with "base" and "height" attributes and a "get_area()"
method that returns the area of the triangle. Add a "str()" method to print the
dimensions of the triangle.

Advanced Expert Level:

25) Create a class named "Animal" with "name" and "species" attributes and a
"make_sound()" method that prints the sound the animal makes. Create subclasses
"Dog", "Cat", and "Cow" with their own "make_sound()" methods.
26) Create a class named "Rectangle" with "width" and "height" attributes and a
"get_area()" method that returns the area of the rectangle. Add a "get_perimeter()"
method that returns the perimeter of the rectangle.
27) Create a class named "Person" with "name" and "age" attributes, and create a subclass
"Student" with "grade" attribute and a "display_student()" method that prints the
name, age, grade, and student ID of the student.
28) Create a class named "Car" with "make" and "model" attributes and a "start_engine()"
method that prints "The [make] [model] is starting". Add a "stop_engine()" method that
prints "The [make] [model] is stopping".
29) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods, and add a "get_interest()" method that calculates and returns
the interest earned on the account.
30) Create a class named "Shape" with an "area()" method, and create subclasses
"Rectangle" and "Circle" with their own "area()" methods. Add a "perimeter()" method
to calculate and return the perimeter of the shape.
Expert Plus Level:

31) Create a class named "Animal" with "name" and "species" attributes and a
"make_sound()" method that prints the sound the animal makes. Create subclasses
"Dog", "Cat", and "Cow" with their own "make_sound()" methods. Add a "str()" method
to print the name and species of the animal.
32) Create a class named "Rectangle" with "width" and "height" attributes and a
"get_area()" method that returns the area of the rectangle. Add a "get_perimeter()"
method that returns the perimeter of the rectangle. Add a "str()" method to print the
dimensions and area of the rectangle.
33) Create a class named "Person" with "name" and "age" attributes, and create a subclass
"Employee" with "salary" attribute and a "display_employee()" method that prints the
name, age, salary, employee ID, and department of the employee.
34) Create a class named "Car" with "make", "model", and "year" attributes and a
"start_engine()" method that prints "The [year] [make] [model] is starting". Add a
"stop_engine()" method that prints "The [year] [make] [model] is stopping". Add a
"str()" method to print the make, model, and year of the car.
35) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods. Create a subclass "SavingsAccount" with a "interest_rate"
attribute and a "calculate_interest()" method that calculates and returns the interest
earned on the account. Create another subclass "CheckingAccount" with a
"minimum_balance" attribute and a "check_minimum_balance()" method that checks if
the account balance is above the minimum balance.
36) Create a class named "Shape" with an "area()" method, and create subclasses
"Rectangle" and "Circle" with their own "area()" methods. Add a "perimeter()" method
to calculate and return the perimeter of the shape. Add a "str()" method to print the
dimensions, area, and perimeter of the shape.
37) Create a class named "Employee" with "name", "age", and "salary" attributes and a
"display_employee()" method that prints the name, age, salary, and employee ID of the
employee. Create a subclass "Manager" with a "department" attribute and a
"display_manager()" method that prints the name, age, salary, employee ID, and
department of the manager.
38) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods. Create a subclass "SavingsAccount" with a "interest_rate"
attribute and a "calculate_interest()" method that calculates and returns the interest
earned on the account. Create another subclass "CheckingAccount" with a
"minimum_balance" attribute and a "check_minimum_balance()" method that checks if
the account balance is above the minimum balance. Add a "str()" method to print the
balance, interest rate, and minimum balance of the account.
39) Create a class named "Vehicle" with "make", "model", and "year" attributes and a
"start_engine()" method that prints "The [year] [make] [model] is starting". Add a
"stop_engine()" method that prints "The [year] [make] [model] is stopping". Create
subclasses "Car" and "Truck" with their own "start_engine()" and "stop_engine()"
methods that print more specific messages. Add a "str()" method to print the make,
model, and year of the vehicle.
40) Create a class named "Shape" with an "area()" method, and create subclasses
"Rectangle" and "Circle" with their own "area()" methods. Add a "perimeter()" method
to calculate and return the perimeter of the shape. Add a "draw()" method to draw the
shape on the screen using ASCII art.
41) Create a class named "Employee" with "name", "age", and "salary" attributes and a
"display_employee()" method that prints the name, age, salary, and employee ID of the
employee. Add a "change_salary()" method that changes the employee's salary by a
specified percentage. Create a subclass "Manager" with a "department" attribute and a
"display_manager()" method that prints the name, age, salary, employee ID, and
department of the manager. Add a "change_department()" method that changes the
manager's department.
42) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods. Create a subclass "SavingsAccount" with a "interest_rate"
attribute and a "calculate_interest()" method that calculates and returns the interest
earned on the account. Add a "compound_interest()" method that compounds the
interest earned over a specified number of years. Create another subclass
"CheckingAccount" with a "minimum_balance" attribute and a
"check_minimum_balance()" method that checks if the account balance is above the
minimum balance. Add a "charge_overdraft_fee()" method that charges a fee if the
account is overdrawn.
43) Create a class named "Vehicle" with "make", "model", and "year" attributes and a
"start_engine()" method that prints "The [year] [make] [model] is starting". Add a
"stop_engine()" method that prints "The [year] [make] [model] is stopping". Create
subclasses "Car" and "Truck" with their own "start_engine()" and "stop_engine()"
methods that print more specific messages. Add an "accelerate()" method that
increases the speed of the vehicle by a specified amount. Add a "brake()" method that
decreases the speed of the vehicle by a specified amount. Add a "str()" method to print
the make, model, year, and speed of the vehicle.
44) Create a class named "Shape" with an "area()" method, and create subclasses
"Rectangle" and "Circle" with their own "area()" methods. Add a "perimeter()" method
to calculate and return the perimeter of the shape. Add a "draw()" method to draw the
shape on the screen using ASCII art. Add a "resize()" method that resizes the shape by a
specified factor. Add a "str()" method to print the dimensions, area, perimeter, and
ASCII art of the shape.
45) Create a class named "Person" with "name" and "age" attributes and a "talk()" method
that prints "Hello, my name is [name] and I am [age] years old". Create a subclass
"Teacher" with a "subject" attribute and a "teach()" method that prints "I am teaching
[subject]". Create another subclass "Student" with a "major" attribute and a "learn()"
method that prints "I am learning [major]". Add a "str()" method to print the name, age,
and role of the person.
46) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods. Create a subclass "SavingsAccount" with a "interest_rate"
attribute and a "calculate_interest()" method that calculates and returns the interest
earned on the account. Add a "compound_interest()" method that compounds the
interest earned over a specified number of years. Create another subclass
"CheckingAccount" with a "minimum_balance" attribute and a
"check_minimum_balance()" method that checks if the account balance is above the
minimum balance. Add a "transfer()" method that transfers money from one account to
47) Create a class named "Animal" with "name and "species" attributes and a
"make_sound()" method that prints the sound the animal makes. Create subclasses
"Dog" and "Cat" with their own "make_sound()" methods that print the sound of a dog
barking and a cat meowing, respectively. Add a "walk()" method that prints the animal is
walking. Add a "str()" method to print the name, species, and sound of the animal.
48) 48. Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods. Create a subclass "SavingsAccount" with a "interest_rate"
attribute and a "calculate_interest()" method that calculates and returns the interest
earned on the account. Add a "compound_interest()" method that compounds the
interest earned over a specified number of years. Create another subclass
"CheckingAccount" with a "minimum_balance" attribute and a
"check_minimum_balance()" method that checks if the account balance is above the
minimum balance. Add a "charge_monthly_fee()" method that charges a fee if the
account is below the minimum balance.
49) Create a class named "Rectangle" with "length" and "width" attributes and an "area()"
method that calculates and returns the area of the rectangle. Add a "perimeter()"
method that calculates and returns the perimeter of the rectangle. Create a subclass
"Square" with a "side_length" attribute and override the "area()" and "perimeter()"
methods to calculate the area and perimeter of a square instead of a rectangle. Add a
"resize()" method that resizes the rectangle or square by a specified factor. Add a "str()"
method to print the dimensions, area, and perimeter of the rectangle or square.
50) Create a class named "BankAccount" with "balance" attribute and "deposit()" and
"withdraw()" methods. Create a subclass "SavingsAccount" with a "interest_rate"
attribute and a "calculate_interest()" method that calculates and returns the interest
earned on the account. Add a "compound_interest()" method that compounds the
interest earned over a specified number of years. Create another subclass
"CheckingAccount" with a "minimum_balance" attribute and a
"check_minimum_balance()" method that checks if the account balance is above the
minimum balance. Add a "transfer()" method that transfers money from one account to
another. Create another subclass "InvestmentAccount" with a "risk_level" attribute and
a "calculate_return()" method that calculates and returns the expected return on the
investment based on the risk level. Add a "sell()" method that sells the investment and
adds the return to the account balance.

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