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Human Body as an Embodied Spirit

Presented by: Group 2

Human body as an embodied spirit

 Man is a composite of body (her material aspect), and soul (the

spiritual aspect one). Both the body and soul are the fundamental
and integral parts of the human person. Thus, the human is an
embodied spirit. Man cannot exist without these two essential
 Human = The convergence of the body and soul

Philosphers as an embodied spirit

 Brahma as an embodied spirit

 Brahma is considered one of the principle dieties in the Trimutri
along with Vishnu and Shiva.
 Brahma is often associated with creation and is believed to be the
creator of the universe.
 Brahma said: “The true nature of the Atman is considered eternal,
unchanging, and divine, while the embodiment is temporary and
subject to change.” (in which: Atman - HUman being & The
Embodiment - the physical body)

 Buddha as an embodied spirit

 Traditionally called as “Gautama” who is identified by modern
scholars as the founder of Buddhism.
 According to buddist teachings, there have been other buddhas in
the past, and there will be yet more in the future.
 Buddha expresed his philosophy when he said: “I only teach two
things, O disciples, the nature of suffering, and the cessation of
 Buddha wrote the: “Four Noble Truths” and the “Eightfold Path”
which allows people to achieve the enlightenment
 St.Thomas Acquinas as an embodied spirit
 St.Thomas was one of the most famous philosophers and
theologians of his time.
 He was also one of the mostinfluential religious figures of the middle
 He was considered as a follower of Aristotle, and managed to
combinehis works with the religious and philosophical views of his
predecessor. He was born in Italy in 1224.
 Thomas aquinas addressed the mind-body problem by characterizing
human nature as body and soul: “man is composed of spiritual and
corporeal substance.”
 In summa theologica, he also addressed the following concerns
about the nature of the soul as a body: (1) it is the body’s moving
principle; (2) knowledge of corporeal things is caused by likeness.
 Hence, to know of the body is to be like it in nature; and (3) the soul
moves the body, and movement happens through contact; hence,
the soul must be a body because contact happens between bodies.

 St. Augustine of Hippo

 St. Agustine of Hippo (Aurelius Augustino) was born in November 13,
354 in Tagaste,Numidia. And died in
August 28,430 in Hippo Rigius
 The feast date of St. Augustine is August 28
 He was the bishop of Hippo during 396-430. He was also one of the
latin fathers of the church.
 In his works, he tells us that humans are made by GOD, who is the
author of harmony.
 He looks on our flesh or bodies as wicked, fallen, and sinful.
 Fallen, the way in which spirits are unitedwith bodies are altogether
marvelous and cannot be fully understood by man.

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