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According to ancient thoughts

The understanding about human person is based on their knowledge and interest of the world. Socrates
proceeded to argue that the human soul should be nurtured properly through it's acquisition of knowledge,
wisdom, and virtue. "Know thyself" is the famous principle of Socrates.Corollary to this principle, Socrates
posited that we ought to examine our lives. Through self-examination , nurturance of the human soul
becomes possible.
Plato's view on the human soul illumines the function of the soul, namely , the rational function, passion
function,and the appetitive function (Tabin et al., 2010).
differentiates man from the rest of the animal species for the rational part enables man to analyze
things, think and draw conclusions.
it enables the decision of the rational part of the soul and makes man assert and experience anger.
it obeys and follows the rational and spirited part of the soul in the satisfaction of it's
desires.Furthermore,it also drives man to experience hunger and to desire for various pleasures and other
physical wants.

B. According to the medieval thoughts, The Core of medieval philosophy is theodicy. Theodicy is the branch in
philosophy that studies proofs on the existence of God. Theology studies God on scriptural account while
Theodicy studies God based on rational account or rational method.
St. Augustine (354-430CE)
An early christian theologian and philosopher, influenced the development of western christianity and
philosophy. St. Augustine begins by saying that god is the creator of the world including the creation of the
immortal human soul.
In this line of thought, he asserted that man is not only a rational and material animal but also a spirit encase
or embodied in a material substance.
Thus, man has to have both the degenerative material body and the immortal soul together in unity
( Augustine 2006 ) his perspective on the human soul is very much influenced by the platonic ideals especially
in the formulation of the christian thoughts (Copplestone, 1995).
In St. Augustine's view, the soul is a "self sustaining" substance. The Augustinian view on the human soul and
it's union with the body, although contains the platonic undertone, highlights the importance of the soul in it's
search of truth. Furthermore, the human soul, being the vivifying source of the body, is the active element in
all of the body's activities.
Hence, after the death of the carnal substance, the real human person still lives, which is the soul.
In the context of the property of soul, Augustine followed the platonic philosophy.
Under the platonic sense, the soul is rational and a real person.

ST. Thomas Aquinas (1226-1274)

He is A Priest, Doctor of the Church and a patron of all universities and of students.
He Studied at Cologne under St. Albert the Great. And at the age of 22,
He was appointed to teach in the same city.
At the same time, he also began to publish his first works
As he left the great work, The Summa Theologica which was left unfinished because he got sick and died at the
Cistercian Monastery in 1274 while on his way to the second Council of Lyons called for by Pope Gregory X.
A Goal of a human existence is the union and eternal fellowship with God.
It is Achieved through the beatific vision in which a person experiences perfect, unending enjoyment

by seeing the essence of God face to face, this vision occurs after death as a gift from God to those who in life
experienced salvation and redemption through Christ (St. Thomas Aquinas, n.d.).

This Aquinas beatific vision theory was from the stems from his belief on the immortality of a soul.
For him, the soul is capable of existing apart from the living body after the death of the body it is because the
soul is incorruptible. And although the soul lives in a body, it has a distinct function to separate from a
corruptible body. The soul in the body, but is not dependent on it (St. Thomas Aquinas, 2013)

This "union" with God implies that we should order our life towards right things, such as charity peace, and
Furthermore, Aquinas saw this orientation as the way to happiness which is grounding principle of a man's
moral life.
A relationship between will and goal is antecedent in man's nature "because rectitude of the will consists in
being duly ordered to the last end [that is, the beatific vision]."
The human soul as preached by th doctors of the Church, and later on is contained in the scholastic philosophy
sought to be united with God since the body is corruptible by sins, human person's only give hope to
experience the beatific vision.

C. According to the modern thoughts.

This philosophy is done between 17th and 20th centuries in Europe and North America. This period center on
the nature of the mind valuable than animal lives.
Being an idealist, he extoled supremacy of the human mind over that of the human body. Famous for his
"COGITO,ERGO SUM", he maintained that the mind is different from the body and therefore one can exest
without other.
"[O]n the one hand I have a clear and distinct idea of myself, in so far as this simply an extended, non-thinking
thing [that is, a mind] and on the other hand I have a distinct from my body, and can exist without it."(AT VII
78:CSM II 54.)


1. I have a clear and district idea that the mind is thinking, non-extended thing.
2. I have a distinct idea that the body is an extended thing
3. Therefore, the mind and body are separate from each other and can exist independently from each other.
In conclusion, the mind is the core element that makes a person aware that he exists(ESSAYS, NOVEMBER
2013) When the person starts to think, his existence is beyond doubt.

Cartesian philosophy urged one to doubt every thing not for the sake of doubting, but to strengthen the
truth." I think therefore I am" is a conclusion that Rebe Descartes arrived at after searching for the truth
through doubt.
Without putting certain to the realm of doubt, we cannot proceed with a method to ascertain truth, hence it is
called Methodical Doubt.

The philosophy of Descartes highly emphasize on the existence of the self that every men exists only to
himself, and not for others.

JOHN LOCKE(1932-1704)
An empiricist, who claimed that knowledge is founded on experience and no knowledge can go beyond
experience is most notably know for his social contract theory.
On human knowledge,Locke encourage people to think for themselves,He urged that reason be the guide. He
warned that without reason,"men" opinions are not the product of any judgment or the consequence of
reason but the effect of change and hazard of a mind floating at all adventures, without choice and without
direction (POWELL,1996). As for the human soul, Locke wrote.
George Berkeley
George Berkeley was one of the three most famous British Empiricists. He is best known for his early works on
vision (An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, 1709) and metaphysics (A Treatise concerning the Principles
of Human Knowledge, 1710; Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, 1713). His empirical theory of
vision challenged the then-standard account of distance vision, focusing on visual and tactual objects. He
argued that abstract ideas are the source of all philosophical perplexity and illusion, and defended two
metaphysical theses: idealism and immaterialism. Berkeley argued that all physical objects are composed of
ideas, encapsulated in his motto esse is percipi (to be is to be perceived).

He was a priest of the Church of Ireland and was named Dean of Derry in 1724 and Bishop of Cloyne in 1734.
He attempted to found a college in Bermuda and published Alciphron, criticisms of Newton's theory of
infinitesimals, The Theory of Vision Vindicated, and revised editions of the Principles and the Three Dialogues.
His Querist (1735-1737) presents arguments for the reform of the Irish economy and Siris (1744) includes a
discussion of the medicinal virtues of tar water. His last philosophical work, Siris, is seen as a departure from
his earlier idealism.

D. according to the chirstian perspectives

The christian perspective on the union of the body and soul in the human person is anchored on the truth
established in the bible. From the book of genesis until the revelation, the bible is consistent on its stand that
the human person is a union of body and soul and that the soul will be reuni with its maker. The works of st.
Thomas Awuinas, st. Ambrose, st. Augustine and the rest of the fathers of the church pertaining to the body-
soul union are not only supported by rational discourses but are also found in the scriptures. For instance, the
biblical account on the creation of man entails his substantial origin- being coming from dust- while the breath
of God is the infusion of the spiritual component.
The church of Christianity believes that the body is the whole entity which consists of the spirit or the soul.

Pope John Paul II(1920-2005) wrote,” the person, including the body is completely entrusted to himself, and it
is in the unity of the body and soul that the person is the subject of his own moral acts.”(spinello, 2006)
The physical body, in it's real sense, is the place or the home of every human being it carries and
accommodates several aspects e of his existence, such as the emotional, social and psychological aspects.
Furthermore, the body is the receptacle of it's deepest desires which need to be met. Hence, the human
person must evaluate his actions because every action has accompanying consequence.

The body is regarded as subject, as the home of the complete human being, and as a source of any spiritual
insights(Herrera, 2006).
The human person as an incarnated soul bring us the notion that the physical body has limitations and
transcend to loftier goals is something that every human person should aim at. Hence, going beyond the
physical realm is an act of that would make life worth living
The soul is the paramount element in a person’s life because of the eternal nature of the soul. The soul does
not die; it does not corrupt. It is man’s everything. As Jesus Chris taught us,
“... For whoever wishes to save life will lose it. But whoever loss his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save
it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what will a man give in
exchange for his soul?...”(mark 8:35-37)

The King James Version is an Early Modern English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England,
commissioned in 1604 and published in 1611 by King James VI and I, containing 39 books of the Old Testament
and 27 books of the New Testament.

1 Thessalonians 5:23
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be
preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ecclesiastes 12:7
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

James 2:26
For as the body without the spirits is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the
diving asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents
of the heart.

Genesis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man
became a living soul.

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