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Sprint #1: Explore and Compare the Capabilities of ChatGPT, Bard

AI, and Bing Chat

Problem Statement:

In this sprint, you will dive deeper into the capabilities of ChatGPT, Bard AI, and Bing Chat
by experimenting with different prompts. Your objective is to understand how these tools
generate responses based on various contextual cues.


1. Choose five different contexts for your prompts, such as "Weather Forecast,"
"Recipe Recommendations," "Movie Reviews," "Product Descriptions," and
"Travel Suggestions."
2. For each context, create a task, instruction, and data to guide the chat tool in
generating a response. Use the following building blocks to structure your

 Context: Provide a brief description of the situation or topic.

 Task: Clearly state what you want the chat tool to accomplish or answer.
 Instruction: Provide any specific guidelines or requirements for the response.
 Data: Include any relevant information or data that can aid the chat tool in
generating a more accurate and relevant response

3. Create a document and note down difference in responses based on contextual

understanding, relevance, accuracy, and naturalness


At the end of the sprint, reflect on your experience working with different prompts and
observe the variations in the responses generated by ChatGPT, Bard AI, and Bing Chat.
Consider factors such as contextual understanding, relevance, accuracy, and naturalness.

By completing this sprint, you will gain a deeper understanding of how these AI-powered
chat tools perform in different contexts and tasks. This exploration will equip you with
valuable insights to leverage the strengths of each tool for various applications.

Finally, make a document with your observations one each prommpt and add it to
your Gen-AI #Daily AI Sprint Tracker

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