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Pre and
Post-Test 6
Gender Champions
Pre and Post-Test
- Supplement 6

Pre-and Post-Test

Note : This test can be modified to meet a user's needs.

1. Do you think your gender has played a role in the decisions you’ve made in your life,
or in the way that others treat you?

Yes________ No________

Please explain

2. Do you think that you, yourself, have gender biases? Do you think about others in a
certain way or treat them in a certain way based on their gender?

Yes________ Sometimes________ No________

Please explain

3.Which of the following is an example of a gender bias? (Check all that apply)
___ A mother gets her daughter a baby doll as a gift, and she gets a truck for her son
___ A young mother with a newborn baby is exclusively responsible for breastfeeding her baby
___ A father is served first in a family, and eats the best meat.The mother eats after he has finished.
___ A young boy is scolded for crying, and told to be a man.
___ The daughters in a family fetch water while the boys play.
___ The boys in a family plant seeds while the girls relax.
___ A girl begins menstruating at the onset of puberty while a boy does not.

4.Whose attitudes and behaviors can perpetuate gender bias at home?

Women________ Men________ Both________

5.Whose attitudes and behaviors can perpetuate gender bias at the work place?

Women________ Men________ Both________

6.Who is responsible for promoting gender equality?

Women________ Men________ Both________

7.What are key ways of increasing gender equality? (Check all that apply)
___ Divide chores equally between boys and girls.
___ Make sure that boys and girls do the same kinds of chores.
___ Men and women both engage in household activities (preparing food, caring for children,
washing up).
___ Men and women share decision-making about their families and households.
___ Women make decisions about their households without consulting men.
___ Women become the heads of the household and men take on a subservient role.
___ Girls graduate from school more frequently than boys.
___ Girls are not married before they become adults.
___ Young women have a role in the decision whether to marry.
___ Boys and girls are encouraged to succeed at school.
___ Women and men have leadership roles at work.

8. Do you agree with the following statements:

• Girls are smarter than boys YES / NO
• Men have more leadership skills than women YES / NO
• It is more important for men to have jobs than women YES / NO

Gender Champions
Pre and Post-Test
- Supplement 6

Pre-and Post-Test

9. Are the following examples of gender norms or differences based on sex?


A. Men do not cry

B. Girls should be gentle
C. Men cannot cook
D. Women give birth to babies
E. Men do not menstruate
F. Women do not own land
H. Men cannot get pregnant

Note The problems listed below are illustrative examples. Prior to the implementation of Gender Champions Training,
the training facilitator(s) and key contact(s) from the country office should work together to ensure the problems listed in
Questions 8 and 9 represent contextualized examples of gender disparities.

10. How common are the following problems in your Country Office? Tick only
ONE answer for each statement

Very Not
Problem Common Not at all
common common
A. Most positions of power
(SMT, managers) are men

B. Most positions of power (SMT)

are women

C. Gender pay gap (favoring men)

D. Gender pay gap (favoring women)

E. Men do not receive encouragement/

support for career advancement

F. Women do not receive encouragement/

support for career advancement

G. Inadequate parental leave policies for

fathers/ male caregivers

H. Inadequate parental leave policies for

mothers/ female caregivers

For post-test only:

Do you have any reflections on the training that you would like to share? For example:
• Which activities, if any did you find useful and/or thought-provoking?
• Were there any activities that you would suggest removing? If so, which ones?
• Are there any ways in which your attitudes about gender have shifted as a result of this training?
• Are you planning to change any behaviors as a result of your experiences in this training?
Please feel free to share any other reflections.


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